Town of Halifax, Vermont

December 15, 2012

Call to Order

A special meeting of the Selectboard began at 9:03 am at the Town office. Board members in attendance were Lewis Sumner, Edee Edwards, and Earl Holtz.  Members of the public present were Jessica Bruno and Brad Rafus.

Hale Rd Bridge and Engineering Oversight Award
Edwards reported that Christina Moore obtained the necessary permits for the project, but we do not have final approval as an improved project.

Edwards led a discussion about the potential risk to the town funding should they start work before they obtain the necessary approvals. In an e-mail dated 10/2/12 regarding the Deer Park Rd Bridge improved project, Ben Rose- Public Assistance Officer wrote that per FEMA 322 pg11 “The applicant must obtain approval for an improved project from the State prior to the start of construction. Further, any improved project that results in a significant change from the pre-disaster configuration (that is different location, footprint, function, or size) of the facility must also be approved by FEMA prior to the construction to ensure completion of the appropriate environmental and/or historic preservation review. Accordingly, the State of VT needs to point out that any construction started prior to approval could jeopardize federal funding for the PW. If you proceed, you do so at your own risk.”

Holtz suggested that the Selectboard ask Christina Moore to try and get a more definitive answer from FEMA. He also suggested that SVE update their quote to reflect the process we used on Deer Park Bridge for the construction oversight.

Selectboard Meeting Re-scheduling
Holtz made a motion to move the January 1, 2013 meeting to Wednesday January 2, 2013 at 6:30pm. Edwards seconded the motion which passed 3-0-0.

FY2014 Budget
The Selectboard continued to work on the budget for FY14. The Selectboard discussed each line item of the budget in detail. A DRAFT of their work can be found in the attached document.

Items that were noted for follow-up are:
-Ask Dow to add a new account called “Internet Service Provider” and let us know the account number.
-When is our domain name up for renewal?
-Acct 7390 Garage Bond Interest- verify $5575.50 with Dow.
-Ask Dow for Fees & Interest earned (Income against expenses).

The Selectboard discussed road crew wages in detail. They also discussed the potential replenishment of reserve funds. The Selectboard will present their draft at the next regular meeting 12/18/12.

Other Business

The Selectboard set the agenda for the next regular meeting that included (not in order yet):

-Open Bids for Single Program Audit
-SeVEDS presentation (approx. 6:45 to 7:05)
-Hazard Mitigation Grant Program letter of intent
-Budget Outcome
Old Business
-Hale Rd Bridge Award
-Engineering Construction Oversight Award
-Designation of town newspaper
-Reserve fund shift
-Updates on bridge work
-Confirmation of 1/2/13 Selectboard meeting date
-Approve Minutes
The Selectboard report for the annual report was reviewed and approved for submittal.

The meeting adjourned at 12:33 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jessica Bruno

Selectboard Secretary

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