Town of Halifax, Vermont

JULY 14, 2020

Call to Order

Turner Lewis called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. Zoning Board of Authority members Turner Lewis, Bill Pusey, Kaitlin Stone, and Tommy Fox were present. Also present were Tina Blais, Stephen Chait, Jason Mitchell, Meghan Arthur, Stephen Smith, Alan McBean, Rick Gay, and William Moore.

Changes and Additions to Agenda


Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

The board approved the minutes as written from the May 7, 2020, and the May 26,2020 meeting minutes. 4 to 0.

New Business

Lewis opens up the first order of business, the three-parcel lot subdivision for McMillan Rd 0331 for discussion. The board takes a minute to look at surveyed maps, there are no questions and there was not anyone in attendance for the property in question. Blais will look into what needs to happen next, and get back to the board as to making a date to look at the property and schedule a hearing date.

Lewis then opened up the second order of business, a discussion for a subdivision on parcel 0615 Vaughn RD. Stephen Smith and Meghan Arthur, the property owners are in attendance as well as their Engineer Alan McBean, former Zoning Administrator for the Town of Dummerston VT.

Turner turned the floor over to Smith to explain the subdivision and to answer any questions the Board might have.

Smith stated that they wanted to add a 2-acre lot from one side of the road to a natural 25 acre subdivision on the other side of the road to allow the new owners access to the brook and forest. With the condition that there would be no house lot on the added 2 acres. He then turned the floor over to McBean for further explanation. McBean presented the Board with a surveyed map, which they took a moment to look at. McBean explained that what Smith wanted to do was create three different lots out of the 116 acres that he owns. Their question is whether they will be able to take the 2 acres from across the road, add it to the 25 acre natural subdivision created by the road to make a 27 acre parcel or does it have to be the 3 acres that the zoning regulations require.

Smith questioned whether there was any way they could apply for some type of variance. Lewis said absolutely they could apply for a variance. Smith wondered if it would be a wasted effort. Lewis stated that the board considers many different things and encouraged them to apply for the variance. Reiterated that the Zoning regulations for the Town of Halifax says that there needs to be at least 3 acres for a subdivision.

Arthur states that in the deed it will state that there is to be no development on that 2 acres, would this make a difference on the variance? Lewis said that yes, it would be somewhat beneficial, go ahead and put that on the variance application.

Smith asked Lewis if he could run through the variance process. It was explained that they have to apply to the Zoning administrator, and then the application is handed to the ZBA then they have to schedule a from the board as to what to do when.

Smith asked if it was beneficial to put what they were planning on doing in the variance application and Turner said yes. They board considers many things.

McBean, former Zoning administrator of Dummerston VT gave a brief description of what Dummerston would have done with the subdivision. He also talked about the 2 different permits you could get from the state. A deferred permit – no wastewater approval, or a full design permit – where water and septic are approved.

McBean asked if the town accepted Differed permits. Moore stated that he did not know. Discussion ensued about the differences in the two permits. It was also discussed what would happen if it were a three acre lot or a two acre lot. Moore pointed out that if it were a three-acre lot it could in the future be developed so it would need a wastewater permit. Discussion ensued as to what the state would require and weather the state and town regulations would coincide with each other.

Smith stated that they will apply for the 2 acre lot and will apply for a waste water permit. McBean stated that he will get a waste water permit number and get it to Mooore.

Smith asked if they do not get the 2 acre lot they could request a three acre lot. Moore stated that would he would not have a problem with a three acre lot because that complies with the town regulations.

Old Business


Other Business


Hearing of Visitors

Chait asked how the 100-foot dimensions were measured on a shed, from the interior or the outside. Blais informed him that it was 100 feet from the outside as she is one of the town Listers.

Mitchell stated concerns over Smiths subduction.


The meeting adjourned at 7:32 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Tina Blais
Zoning Board of Authority Secretary