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Hi, folks, the link here is the official warning (or notice) for the Special Town Meeting we are holding on August 13, 2024, including the open positions and articles, and a sample ballot:

Special Town Meeting Warning and Sample Ballot 2024-08-13

I anticipate a few questions, so here’s an attempt to answer them:

  • There is no “meeting” per se with any floor votes because everything must be voted on by an “Australian ballot” which means a paper ballot. See the sample in the link above.
  • The meeting (or actually the voting) location is the Halifax Elementary School LIBRARY this time.
  • We will have an Informational Meeting with in person and remote options. Date and location is being finalized.
  • This is being held at the same time as the State Primary election.
  • Contact the Town Clerk about the voting process–getting registered, getting an absentee ballot, or the like.

Write-in campaigns for the open seats are a great way to get involved in our town’s service to our fellow citizens, and there’s at least one underway. Reach out with questions to the Town Clerk or Selectboard members.


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June 27, 2024


In accordance with 24 V.S.A. § 961(a), the Selectboard of the Town of Halifax hereby gives notice of a vacancy created by resignation in the office of Selectboard effective June 27, 2024. The Selectboard, pursuant to 24 V.S.A. § 963, made an appointment to fill this vacancy at its meeting on June 27, 2024. The person appointed will serve until a town election is had.*


CITIZENS’ RIGHT TO PETITION FOR VOTE: Titles 17 V.S.A. § 2643 and 24 V.S.A. § 963 grant citizens the right to petition for a vote to replace the Selectboard’s appointee at a special town meeting. If a special town meeting is called, the newly elected town officer will remain in office for the balance of the unexpired term. If a special town meeting is not called, the Selectboard’s appointee will remain in office until the next annual town meeting. To exercise this right, citizens must present a petition calling for an election for this office signed by five percent of the legal voters of the Town to the Town Clerk prior to the next annual Town Meeting.


*The Selectboard also voted to include an election to fill this vacancy during a Special Town Meeting on August 13, 2024. Paperwork to get your name on the ballot is due by July 8, 2024. Forms will be available through the Town Clerk and are posted below. Curious about serving the town on the Selectboard? Ask any member!

Please note that our 3 AUDITOR positions which remained unfilled after the March election are also on the ballot. These terms will be staggered. Consider lending a hand to your community, even if for the 1 year remaining on a term to try it out.

Nominations Due Notice 2024-07-08 for August Special Town Meeting

Selectboard Candidate Petition and Consent forms due 2024-07-08

Auditor openings candidate petition and consent forms due 2024-07-08 (6 pages; 2 pages each position)

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The Town of Halifax VT seeks an Administrative Assistant to the Selectboard. This key part-time role helps keep town functions rolling, and requires strong writing, research, computer, and people skills. Averaging 15-20 hrs/week, there are some firm time commitments like attending regular meetings. Other project time can be more flexible, with seasonal variations as well. Download the job description here, and apply by emailing your resume to by July 16, 2024 for first consideration. Come be part of our local government team!

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Here’s a shout out to Stephanie Pike as well as thanks for Jessica Cooney for her past years of leading our Green Up Day activities in Halifax!

Join us 9 AM to Noon on Saturday, May 4th. Light refreshments will be available.

Stephanie will be directing folks from the Halifax Elementary School/Town Office parking lot, but you can also pick up bags at the Town Office and Green Up early. Trash collected must be brought back to the school.

Green Up Day is a tradition of Vermont communities cleaning up roadside trash.

Join us!


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The INFORMATIONAL HEARING & Meet the Candidates, for the Halifax VT Town Budget & Warned Articles and the Halifax School Budget & Warned Articles will be on

Tuesday, February 27, 2024 at 7:00 pm at the Halifax Elementary School Multi-Purpose Room.

Either in person, or virtual:

Google Meet joining info

Video call link:

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 929-299-3468 PIN: ‪772 469 534#


More phone numbers:

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Click here for the signed copy of the Town Meeting Warning, which is also posted in Town along with information about voting: March 2024 Town of Halifax Annual Meeting Warning

The text below is provided for convenience:


March 5, 2024

The legal voters of the Town of Halifax, Vermont are hereby warned and notified to meet in the Halifax Elementary School Multipurpose Room, 246 Branch Road in said Town on Tuesday March 5, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. to transact the following business from the floor:

Article 1: To hear the reports of Town officers.

Article 2: Shall the Town collect taxes for the Town and the Halifax School District as follows: Taxes will be due on or before September 30, 2024 payable to the Town Treasurer by delivery to town hall postmarked on or before that date. Taxes will become delinquent after September 30, 2024 and payable with penalties and interest to the Collector of Delinquent Taxes.

Article 3: Shall the Town approve Selectboard and Highway expenditures of $2,432,019 of which $1,967,319 shall be raised by taxes and $464,700 by non-tax revenues to care for the expenses and liabilities of the Town for FY25.

Article 4: Shall the Town set the Treasurer’s budget for salary and collection of current taxes at $20,000 plus $4000 for expenses for FY25.

Article 5: Shall the Town rescind the reserve fund called the Grant Reserve Fund to be used for the purpose of grant management accordance with 24 V.S.A. § 2804 and deposit the remaining funds, $ 136,056.46, formerly the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) balance, into the general fund.

Article 6: Shall the Town appropriate $3000 to the Wings Community Programs’ programming providing after school and summer camps including academic and physical activity programs for students entering grade K-8 in accordance with 24 V.S.A. § 2691.

Article 7: Shall the Town appropriate a total of $20,574 to the following social service agencies, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. § 2691?

$250 American Red Cross Emergency & disaster


$200 Brattleboro Area Hospice Death & grief support
$500 Deerfield Valley Community Partnership Substance abuse prevention
$500 Deerfield Valley Food Pantry Hunger & food insecurity relief
$50 Green Up Vermont Roadside trash cleanup
$2000 Halifax Community Club Community service & events
$1000 Halifax Fire Company Fire & medical first response
$750 Healthcare and Rehabilitation Services (HCRS) Mental health services
$550 Senior Solutions (Council on Aging for Southern Vermont) Services for seniors
$790 Southeastern Vermont Community Action (SEVCA) Anti-poverty programs & services
$2184 Southern Vermont Economic Development Strategies (SeVEDS) Workforce & economic coordination services
$500 The Gathering Place Adult Day Program Elders & adults with disabilities programming
$1900 Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice of Vermont and New Hampshire, Inc Hospice & home health
$3000 Whitingham Fireman’s Association Emergency Medical Services
$5000 Whitingham Free Public Library Library services
$500 Windham County Disaster Animal Response Team (WinDART) Emergency animal sheltering
$700 Women’s Freedom Center Domestic violence survivors support
$200 Youth Services Restorative justice, prevention & intervention for youth


Article 8: Shall the town assess a one percent (1%) tax on rooms in accordance with 24 V.S.A. § 138(b).


The following articles will be voted by Australian ballot:

Article 1: To elect by Australian Ballot all Town Officers required by law to be elected at the Annual Town Meeting and to fill all vacancies.

OFFICE                                              TERM LENGTH         TERM EXPIRATION

Town Moderator                                             1 year                 Term expires 2025

Selectboard                                                    3 years               Term expires 2027

Selectboard                                                    2 years               Term expires 2026

Lister                                                               3 years              Term expires 2027

Auditor (to stagger years of election)             3 years               Term expires 2027

Auditor (to stagger years of election)             2 years               Term expires 2026

Auditor (to stagger years of election)             1 year                 Term expires 2025

(Normal auditor term is a 3-year position for all 3 seats)

Collector of Delinquent Taxes                        1 year                 Term expires 2025

Trustee of Public Funds                                  3 years              Term expires 2027

Cemetery Commissioner                                3 years               Term expires 2027

Halifax School Moderator                               1 year                 Term expires 2025

Halifax School Director                                  3 years                Term expires 2027

Trustee to the Whitingham Library                3 years                 Term expires 2027


Polls open from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM.

Dated this 2nd day of February, 2024





