MARCH 19, 2024
Edee Edwards called meeting to order at 6:00pm on March 19th, 2024. Selectboard members present Edee Edwards, Rhonda Ashcraft, Patrick McAllister(remote), and Karen Christofferson. Residents present or remote Stephen Chait, Doug Parkhurst, Marilou Parkhurst, Robin Gabriel, Kyle Farnsworth, Kelsey Farnsworth, Bob Teree, Cara Cheyette and Alison Crossley.
- SB admin and supervisor computer purchases
- Complaint received via email
- March 11, 2024 Selectboard Special Meeting Minutes
- Corrections: Add note to abstain for voting, Add attend by telephone
- Add “needs for documentation” after US Treasury.
- Edee Edwards made a motion to approve minutes with corrections. Christofferson second. Passed 3-0-1
- March 8, 2024 Selectboard Emergency Meeting Minutes
- Edee Edwards made a motion to approve minutes as written. Karen Christofferson seconded. Passed 3-0-1
- March 5, 2024 Selectboard Special Meeting Minutes
- Edee Edwards made a motion to approve minutes as written. Karen Christofferson seconded. Passed 4-0
- March 5, 2024 Selectboard Regular Meeting Minutes
- Edee Edwards made a motion to approve minutes as written. Karen Christofferson seconded. Passed 3-0-1
- March 4, 2024 Selectboard Special Meeting Minutes
- Edee Edwards made a motion to approve minutes as written. Karen Christofferson seconded. Passed 3-0-1
- February 28, 2024 Selectboard Special Meeting Minutes
- Edee Edwards made a motion to approve minutes as written. Karen Christofferson seconded. Passed 3-0-1
- February 27, 2024 Halifax Informational Hearing Meeting Minutes
- Corrections: Mitch Green doesn’t have “e” on the end of last name, Greg should be Craig J Stone. Need to update word to excellent
- Edee Edwards made a motion to approve minutes with corrections. Karen Christofferson seconded. Passed 3-0-1
- February 20, 2024 Selectboard Regular Meeting Minutes
- Patrick McAllister made a motion to approve minutes as written. Karen Christofferson seconded. Passed 3-0-1
- Road crew new hire
- Hired a candidate, Daniel Hutchins, for road crew member, started 3/18/24
- Anticipate temporary need to cover for medical leave of a road crew member. Have connections from other candidates to potentially cover in the future if needed.
- Halifax landfill mowing proposal
- Landfill cap needs to be cut back and annually maintained.
- Proposal received from Saladino Prop for total $2,774, including cut back and two mowings (Account 6730)
- Patrick McAllister made a motion to accept proposal for brush cleaning and on-going mowing for capped landfill. Seconded by Karen Christofferson. Passed 4-0
- Action Item: Edee will follow up with Saladino awarding them contract.
- Action Item: Karen will follow up with Patty on budget item
- SB admin and supervisor computer purchases
- $2,500 budget for 2 computers for selectboard admin and road crew supervisor
- Software needed includes Microsoft suite for both, Adobe only for admin
- Action Item: Discuss with Patty on if we can add on to Microsoft license potential
- Edee Edwards made a motion to authorize Alison Crossley to purchase two computers up to $2,500 including software. Seconded by Rhonda Ashcraft, Passed 4-0.
- Reorganization of Board (Chair/Vice Chair; meeting dates/times; newspaper of record)
- Chair: Edee Edwards, Karen made a motion for Edee Edwards to become chair of selectboard. Patrick McAllister seconded. Passed 3-0-1 abstain.
- Vice Chair: Karen Christofferson, Patrick made a motion for Karen Christofferson to become vice chair of selectboard. Seconded by Edee Edwards. Passed 3-0-1 abstain.
- Scheduling Selectboard Meeting: Selectboard meeting potential to change, need to understand implication to treasurer responsibility. TBD at future selectboard meeting.
- Newspaper of Record: Deerfield Valley News, Patrick made a motion for Deerfield Valley News to become newspaper of record. Seconded by Edee Edwards. Passed 4-0.
- Action Item: Patrick will discuss with Patty Dow to discuss change.
- Confirmed: Selectboard to meet next
- Mud season road closures (Edee)
- Discussion was had regarding mud season being hard for residents and closing for safety of residents and investment of roads. Road closed means warning and can be used for residents.
- No action taken.
- Order signing exemption for payroll, highway
- Discussion was had regarding signing order on time by appointing one or more selectboard members as authority to sign.
- Patrick McAllister moved to appoint Edee Edwards and Karen Christofferson to approve and sign orders for highway payroll, operating expenses, and equipment for March 19, 2024 to April 1, 2025. Karen Christofferson second. Passed 4-0.
- Grant short-turn around: greenhouse gas reduction project
- Discussion was had regarding potential ideas for greenhouse gas reduction grant.
- Action Item: Stephen Chait to discuss with the school board on feasibility for heat pump for town office and grant coordinator if heat pump falls within eligibility of grant
- Action Item: Place topic on next selectboard meeting agenda to follow up.
- FOIA Request update
- Discussion was had regarding FOIA request, public records request.
- Action Item: Patrick to get guidance on reading initial request as public record.
- PFAS/PFOA testing shift to annual in May (KAS report & State response)
- Discussion was had regarding the shift to annual testing in May.
- Action Item: Alison Crossley to update KAS to send a report to Halifax secretary, not directly to selectboard members.
- Action Item: Alison Crossley to request KAS to include drinking well at Town Garage in May testing.
- Appointments (as possible)
- Secretary/Admin Assistant
- Nominated: Alison Crossley
- Karen made a motion to appoint Alison Crossley for Selectboard Secretary & Admin Assistant. 4-0.
- Planning Commission & Zoning Board of Adjustment
- Nominated: William Pusey, Eli Summers
- Edee Edwards to make a motion to apt. 3-year term for Planning commission and zoning board of adjustment to William Pusey and Eli Summers. Patrick McAllister seconded. Passed 4-0.
- Conservation Commission
- Nominated: Leslie Pollitt
- Edee Edwards made a motion to reappoint Leslie Pollitt to the conservation commission. Karen Christofferson seconded. Passed 4-0.
- Celebration Committee
- Nominated: Patricia Dow, Paul Blais, Joan Courser, Gary Rand, Andrea Rand and Kathy Coulumbe.
- Patrick made a motion to reappoint the nominated members to the celebration committee. Karen Christofferson seconded. Passed 4-0.
- Broadband Committee
- Nominated: Tristan Roberts, Stephen Chait, Jennie Strowe, Davide Jones, Thomas Fischer
- Patrick McAllister made a motion to reappoint nominated members for the Broadband Committee. Rhonda Ashcraft seconded. Passed 4-0
- DVFiber Representative
- Nominated: Detlef Ronneburger
- Patrick McAllister made a motion to reappoint Detlef Ronneburger to DVFiber rep. Karen Christofferson seconded. Passed 3-0-1.
- DVFiber Halifax Alternate
- Nominated: Tristan Roberts, Edee Edwards
- Patrick McAllister made a motion to reappoint Tristan Roberts and Edee Edwards for DVFiber Halifax Alternate rep. Karen Christofferson seconded. Passed 3-0-1.
- Road Commissioner
- Discussion was had regarding the updated job description.
- No action was taken – will be discussed at the next selectboard meeting.
- Tree Warden
- Ongoing position – Sue Kelly
- Action Item: Tristan Roberts to write a letter of service to thank Andy Rice.
- Animal Control Officer
- Discussion was had regarding the position being unpaid and no prior credentials required.
- Nominated: Kyle Farnsworth
- Patrick McAllister made a motion to appoint Kyle Farnsworth to Animal Control Officer. Edee Edwards seconded. Passed 4-0.
- Representative to Senior Solutions
- No response from Senior Solutions on engagement with Halifax
- Patrick McAllister made a motion to eliminate senior solutions representatives. 3-1-0.
- Windham Regional Commissioners
- Nominated: Stephen Chait and Edee Edwards
- Patrick McAllister made a motion to reappoint Stephen Chait and Edee Edwards to WRC. Rhonda Ashcraft seconded. Passed 4-0.
- Zoning Administrator
- Nominated: Kyle Farnsworth
- Patrick McAllister made a motion to reappoint Kyle Farnsworth to Zoning Administrator. Edee Edwards seconded. Passed 4-0.
- Windham Solid Waste Management Reps
- Nominated: Lewis Sumner and Stephen Chait
- Edee Edwards made a motion to reappoint Lewis Sumner and Stephen Chait for Windham Solid Waste Management Reps. Karen Christofferson second. Passed 4-0.
- Laon Review Committee
- Nominated: Allan Dacey and Andrew Rice
- Action Item: Renamed to Housing Rehabilitation Committee
- Edee Edwards made a motion for Allan Dacey and Andrew Rice reappointed for Housing Rehabilitation Committee. Patrick McAllister seconded. Passed 4-0.
- ADA Coordinator
- Nominated: Robert Leete
- Edee Edwards made a motion for Robert Leete to be reappointed for ADA Coordinator. Patrick McAllister seconded. Passed 4-0.
- E-911 Coordinator
- Nominated: Dennis Annear
- Edee Edwards made a motion for Dennis Annear to be reappointed for E-911 coordinator. Patrick McAllister seconded. Passed 4-0.
- Recycling Coordinator
- Nominated: Lewis Sumner
- Patrick McAllister made a motion to reappoint Lewis Sumner for recycling coordinator. Karen Christofferson seconded. Passed 4-0.
- Green-Up Vermont, Inc.
- Nominated: Jessica Cooney
- Edee Edwards made a motion to reappoint Jessica Cooney for Green-Up Vermont, Inc. Patrick McAllister seconded. Passed 4-0.
- Emergency Management Director
- Nominated: Paul Blais
- Edee Edwards made a motion to reappoint Paul Blais as emergency management director. Karen Christofferson seconded. Passed 4-0.
- Citation Ticket Responsibility
- Patrick McAllister made a motion to move this roles responsibility to constable position and eliminate position. Karen Christofferson seconded. Passed 4-0.
- Energy Conservation Officer
- Nominated: Robert Leete
- Edee Edwards made a motion to reappoint Robert Leete to energy conservation officer. Rhonda Ashcraft seconded. Passed 4-0.
- First Constable
- Nominated: Kyle Farnsworth
- Patrick McAllister made a motion to appoint Kyle Farnsworth to first constable. Karen Christofferson seconded. Passed 4-0.
- Second Constable
- Nominated: Roy Richardson
- Patrick McAllister made a motion reappoint Roy Richardson to second constable. Karen Christofferson seconded. Passed 4-0.
- Auditor role
- Two open positions – will need to be put on notice
- Action Item: Place on upcoming selectboard agenda
- Request for FY24 Budgeted Scott Fund Contribution (Patrick)
- Confirmed signing of letter to release money to Scott Fund.
- Action Item: Patrick to send Edee Edwards letter to sign.
- Request for Special Scott Fund Contribution (Patrick)
- Discussion was had regarding borrowing from Scott Fund.
- Action Item: Tristan Roberts communication from Vermont for FEMA refund, will be discussed on future selectboard meeting
- Disbursement timing from General Fund related to ARPA – Update (Karen)
- Discussion was had regarding disbursement of APRA funds.
- Katie Buckley (VLCT) is technical contact to discuss details of logistics, returning on March 25th from vacation.
- Action Item: Discuss with Mike on ARPA spending, need to discuss at future selectboard meeting
-US Treasury ARPA reporting due April 2024 (Karen)
- Discussion was had regarding April reporting with Katie Buckley, Karen meeting with Katie on April 9th.
- Complaint received via email
- Discussion was had regarding public access to town property.
- Note: Halifax Road crew department web page outlines access to town property.
- Action Item: Road commissioner to decide with Selectboard on how to set expectation of community on highway dept property, will be placed on future selectboard meeting item
- Update mask policy
- Discussion was had regarding Meeting Agenda mask use policy.
- Action Item: Remove mask policy on top of meeting agenda.
- Visitors stated thank you.
- Highway order read in.
- Selectboard Order read in, TOTAL: $7,890.97
- Sign letter approving listers’ statistical reappraisal request
- Discussion was had regarding statistical reappraisal requested from Listers.
- Karen Christofferson adjourned meeting at 8:58pm. Rhonda Ashcraft seconded. Passed 4-0.
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