Town of Halifax, Vermont


February 10, 2014


Call to Order


The meeting was called to order at 8:03 am at the town office.  Board members in attendance were Earl Holtz, Edee Edwards and Lewis Sumner (at 9:00am). Others in attendance were Jessica Bruno, Patricia Dow, Charlene Martynowski and Brad Rafus (at 8:30am).



Other Business

Edwards reported that truck #4 (2006 Sterling Dump Truck) was in an accident this morning. No one was hurt. Rafus later added that there is mostly cosmetic damage to the nose of the truck, but they have not had a chance to check everything yet. They still need to make sure the front end is in line.


The Selectboard had a discussion about bonding for Old County North Bridge and guardrail projects. They believe the bond can only be for infrastructure and not for operating expenses. They need a better understanding of the timing of cash flow.


Edwards will e-mail the Old County North bridge abutters and give them an update. The town received a bill from Holden Engineering for the remainder of the contract. They also received an estimate for construction engineering services for $12,400. The Selectboard would like a detailed list of what they will do. There may be a local clerk of the works.


The Selectboard received an update from Christina Moore regarding FEMA/state payments. There is approximately $373,469 due to the town of Halifax which is about $23k off of the expected/budgeted amount for the current fiscal year.


Rafus reported that truck #1 is having problems and is back in the shop.


The Selectboard will send letters to the constables explaining their duties. They don’t want them doing things that are not within their authority.


Rafus reported that a former Selectboard member asked what we are doing with the dog kennels. If nothing, as he paid for them, he would like them back.


Follow up items:

-Ask VLCT to do a coference call regarding bonding

-Post informational town meeting

-Post library trustee opening



Road Commissioner’s Orders


The road commissioner’s orders were reviewed and signed.


The meeting was closed at 9:06 am to be re-opened at the town garage.


Halifax Town Garage, 2044 Branch Road, Halifax


The meeting was re-convened at 9:26 am at the Town Garage.  Board members in attendance were Earl Holtz and Edee Edwards; Lewis Sumner was not present.  Also in attendance was Brad Rafus (Highway Department).


Holtz and Edwards examined the damage to truck #4, a 2006 Sterling Dump Truck.  The driver’s side front nose, made of fiberglass, had sustained damage.  Rafus explained that this was one piece of fiberglass which would be replaced.  Damage to a plow light was also noted.  Other measurements will be taken later, but the damage may be primarily cosmetic.  The truck had been driven back to the garage.


A meeting for further discussion on the accident was proposed; Edwards will follow up with scheduling.


Hearing of Visitors

None present.



Meeting was closed at 9:45 am.


Respectfully submitted,

Edee Edwards, Selectboard Chair

Jessica Bruno

Selectboard Secretary