Town of Halifax, Vermont



February 12, 2014
The meeting was convened at 8:02 am at the Town Office.  Board members in attendance were Earl Holtz, Lewis Sumner and Edee Edwards.  Also in attendance were Brad Rafus, Travis Briggs, and John LaFlamme


Edwards made a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss a personnel issue.  Holtz seconded the motion.  The motion carried 3-0.  Brad Rafus and Travis Briggs were invited into the session.


The group returned from executive session at 8:44 am.  No decisions were made.

Convening a safety committee was proposed; Rafus will follow up.


Hearing of Visitors


LaFlamme requested guidance on the usage of additional Emergency Operations Center office equipment presently being stored at the Halifax Fire Department.  Given that a new engine is being delivered, the space needs to be freed up.  After discussion, Holtz suggested that it be stored in the Old Town Garage until we might be ready to use it.




Several pieces of new mail were reviewed.

The Whitingham Free Public Library Trustees provided a recommendation for an appointment to fill the vacancy due to the resignation of the Halifax representative.  They had also requested to speak at the meeting on the 18th.

The Agency of Transportation Certificate of Highway Mileage must be completed at the meeting on February 18th.

A Public Notice with a 10-day comment period for a Stormwater discharge permit for Denison Lumber noting a Halifax Quarry was discussed.  Edwards will follow up to obtain further information about the permit and see if the Planning Commission had any information on this.  It was put on the agenda for the 18th.

LaFlamme and Holtz  requested time to discuss the CDBG grant on the 18th also.



Meeting was closed at 9:08 am.


Respectfully submitted,

Edee Edwards, Selectboard Chair