Town of Halifax, Vermont
March 24, 2014
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 8:10 am at the town office. Board members in attendance were Earl Holtz, Edee Edwards and Lewis Sumner. Others in attendance were Jessica Bruno, Brad Rafus, John Alexander (VTrans), Marc Pickering (VTrans), and Meghan Thompson (VTrans).
Road Commissioner’s Orders
The road commissioner’s orders were reviewed and signed.
Other Business
-The Selectboard received a letter from the auditors noting three deficiencies but no material weaknesses. Contract documents and debarment list items were addressed in the last audit. A procedure for changes in journal entries was drafted for submission to the auditors.
-The Selectboard discussed the letter drafted to the attorney regarding the Halifax quarry.
The group discussed recent bridge projects. Alexander and Pickering prepared the annual financial plan for the upcoming fiscal year. Alexander noted that the town is required to spend $300 per mile on class 1, 2, and 3 roads. The town may apply for emergency funding if damages exceed 10% of the non-winter budget. They also noted that funding is available for structures grants. They recommended doing the engineering a year or two in advance.
Edwards noted that in 1972 roads changed in classification to a trail. A judgment order in 1987 changed five roads to public highways. In 2012, a re-measure was started but never approved by the state. It was noted that a class 4 section off Jacksonville Stage Road needs to be re-named.
Green River Road Mailbox
Rafus and the Selectboard discussed mailbox damage on Green River Road. As it was a town mistake, the Selectboard will reimburse the resident for the cost of the mailboxes on the next order.
Meeting was closed at 9:24 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Jessica Bruno
Selectboard Secretary