Town of Halifax, Vermont

June 04, 2014


The meeting was convened at 7:00 PM in the Halifax Elementary School Library.  Selectboard members in attendance were Lewis Sumner, Earl Holtz, and Edee Edwards.  School Board members in attendance were Homer (Chum) Sumner, Paul Blais, and Kim Tefft.  Others in attendance were Richard McClements (Superintendent, Windham Southwest Supervisory Union), School Principal Sandy Pentak-Cohen, and Karen Atwood (Business Manager, Windham Southwest Supervisory Union).

Denison Act 250 Traffic Study

Holtz shared comments from April Hensel, District 2 Coordinator of the Natural Resources Board, and John Bennett, Windham Regional Commission, about doing a traffic study.  This included an offer by John Bennett to attend the June 23 Selectboard meeting, at 9 AM.  Edwards later suggested that we ask Matt Mann of WRC to also attend that meeting, either via phone or in person.

Town Office / Halifax Elementary School Roof Bid

After reviewing the technical details and cost of the bid proposal received, Edwards made a motion to award the bid for replacing the remaining old portion of the school roof with metal roofing per the bid specifications to Kandu Construction for $16,800.  Lewis Sumner seconded the motion, which passed, 3-0.

Donald Cael Scholarship Committee

The Donald Cael Scholarship Committee, consisting of the School Board and Selectboard members, awarded $150 each to three applicants: Emily Dow, Tyler Andrews, and Abigail Putnam.  The motion was made by Chum Sumner and seconded by Earl Holtz.  It carried 6-0.

Hearing of Visitors

Paul Blais noted a sizable hole and numerous sizable ruts were a problem on Pennel Hill Road, and that this had been problematic for a number of weeks now.  He requested the Selectboard follow up.

Other Business

Meeting adjustments must be made as Lewis Sumner cannot attend a meeting on June 12th, pertaining to the position description for the Selectboard administrator.  This meeting has not been warned yet.  Everyone is to bring their calendars to the regular Monday meeting to reschedule it.


The meeting ended at 7:37 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Edee Edwards, Selectboard Member