Town of Halifax, Vermont
October 3, 2014


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 6:07 p.m. Selectboard members Lewis Sumner, Edee Edwards, and Earl Holtz were present, as was Robbin Gabriel.

Changes and/or Additions to Agenda


New Business

Meet with Selectboard Administrative Assistant
Board members discussed with Gabriel numerous aspects of the newly-established administrative assistant position. Highlights of the conversation are as follows:

Edwards suggested there might be a spare laptop computer available for Gabriel’s use, and Holtz concurred. Edwards also mentioned the need to have an arrangement for network connection and printing within the town office. The computer under consideration is an EOC laptop; Edwards said it may be needed at the town garage during VY quarterly drills. Gabriel will attend the drill scheduled for Wednesday, October 8th.

The email address, now utilized for Selectboard secretary and (temporarily) Planning Commission secretary communication, will also be used for business pertaining to the Selectboard assistant.

Gabriel will employ VLCT’s online and direct-contact resources as learning tools and will attend VLCT training seminars as appropriate, including the Fall Selectboard Institute in early November. Edwards also mentioned that the upcoming VLCT Planning/Zoning Forum might be a good learning experience.

The Board gave Gabriel a general overview of the Selectboard’s role in the payroll/expenses process. In coming weeks Board members will have discussions with Brad Rafus and Patty Dow, and decisions will be made about how to revise that process and how Gabriel might participate in this change.

Edwards made a motion that the signing of the weekly payroll be delegated to the Selectboard Chair with the Road Commissioner, as supervisor, also signing and backup signature provided by the Vice Chair or the third Board member as necessary. Holtz seconded the motion, which passed, 3-0.

Edwards had in mind two specific tasks she would like Gabriel to address. First, for the Act 250/Denison quarry project, a concise compilation of data received from various sources pertaining to the town roads quarry trucks plan to travel. Edwards is also interested in focusing on what the future holds for the old town garage, and Holtz said the discussion of that building planned for a Selectboard meeting later in the month might generate ideas for specific avenues Gabriel could pursue.

Holtz, who said he is getting frustrated writing very small when entering data on billing sheets by hand, would like to see electronic forms created, not only for convenience in filling them out, but also for ease of access to older billing data. Gabriel will build an electronic spreadsheet for this purpose.

Sumner asked that Gabriel review Selectboard mail and disseminate information or do any needful research or fact-gathering in advance of meetings. She will also collect agenda items and prepare agendas for upcoming meetings. Edwards would like to hear ideas about how to better utilize space in the town office conference room, as meeting attendance has reached overflow capacity several times this summer. And the material on Selectboard shelves and in file cabinets is due for rearrangement.

Other Business

Old North County Bridge
Holtz said Holden has completed the final small task on the #37 bridge. Holtz will take pictures on Saturday and plan a close-out meeting thereafter.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:27 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Robbin Gabriel
Selectboard Secretary