Town of Halifax, Vermont
November 1, 2014
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 9:36 a.m. Selectboard members Earl Holtz and Edee Edwards were present; Lewis Sumner was absent. The Broadband Committee was represented by Gretchen Becker, Curtis Carroll, and Edee Edwards. Jessica Bruno was absent. Robbin Gabriel was also in attendance.
New Business
This emergency meeting was called to discuss and attempt to rectify malfunctions with the WiFi hotspot at the town garage and the town’s web site. WiFi has been unavailable for several days in spite of Edee Edwards’ various attempts to re-establish a connection. Also, she and Earl Holtz had recently received reports that search engines were redirecting users wishing to access the Halifax town site to a commercial site advertising Ugg boots.
The group pooled knowledge about both situations, spent some time troubleshooting, and then connected via telephone with customer support at the town site’s domain registrar to work through possible solutions. During this process, Edwards made a motion to purchase SiteLock from GoDaddy to help prevent future malware problems. Holtz seconded the motion, which passed, 2-0. Customer service advised the meeting that clean-up could take several days. Further assistance will be sought should the problem persist.
Regarding the WiFi hotspot disconnect, Holtz agreed to contact the installer for assistance, as the next troubleshooting step is to climb a ladder for direct access to the router. Edwards will post a notice on Front Porch Forum, and Gretchen Becker will place a sign at the foot of the highway garage drive to let users know WiFi is not currently available.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:07 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Robbin Gabriel
Selectboard Secretary