Town of Halifax, Vermont
March 24, 2017
Spring Meeting with VTrans
Selectboard members Lewis Sumner and Brad Rafus met with VTrans representatives Meghan Brunk and Chris Berg shortly before 9:00 a.m. in the Town Office. Mitch Green was not able to attend. Robbin Gabriel was also present.
Board members signed the yearly certificate of compliance for roads and bridges, and the town’s FY18 annual financial plan for town highways. Discussion covered Halifax paving plans for the summer, Act 64 compliance, culvert inventory (just completed), and State work scheduled for Route 112 this summer. Halifax has a grant which will cover costs of an erosion inventory; that work will be done by Windham Regional Commission. Halifax may or may not get a paving grant; we are number five on the list. The Town is way down on the structures grant list, but Rafus will apply anyway, as some years money becomes available. Berg reminded the Board that anyone putting in a driveway or doing any other work in the State right-of-way off Route 112 must obtain a permit from the State.
The meeting concluded at 9:36 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Robbin Gabriel
Selectboard Secretary