Town of Halifax, Vermont
November 21, 2017
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Selectboard members Lewis Sumner, Mitchell Green, and Bradley Rafus were present, as were Greg Marguet, Stephan Chait, Peter LaFogg, Raymond Combs, Win Clark, Archie Clark, and Robbin Gabriel.
Changes and/or Additions to Agenda
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
Mitch Green made a motion to approve the 11/7/17 regular meeting minutes as written. Brad Rafus seconded the motion, which passed, 3-0.
New Business
Open Storm Damage Repair Bids
Bids were solicited from four contractors for repair of a total of eight storm damage sites on Green River Road, Brook Road, and Branch Road. Two contractors submitted quotes, as follows:
Brook Road, Site #1
LaFogg & Hathaway, Williamsburg, Massachusetts: Approximately 45’ x 8’ x 5’. Repairs per print provided by Vermont ANR’s (Agency of Natural Resources) Josh Caravajal, RME (River Management Engineer). Guardrail to be removed to perform work and replaced when work complete. Paving to be completed Spring 2018. $30,811.00.
A. S. Clark & Sons, Newfane, Vermont: Repairs per plan from Josh Caravajal, RME, $8,768.00.
Brook Road, Site #2
A. S. Clark & Sons, Newfane, Vermont: Repairs per plan from Josh Caravajal, RME, $8,175.00.
LaFogg & Hathaway, Williamsburg, Massachusetts: Approximately 30’ x 8’ x 5’. Repairs per plan from Josh Caravajal, RME. Paving to be completed Spring 2018. $19,775.00.
Brook Road, Site #3
LaFogg & Hathaway, Williamsburg, Massachusetts: Approximately 30’ x 8’ x 5’. Repairs per plan from Josh Caravajal, RME. Paving to be completed Spring 2018. $19,775.00.
A. S. Clark & Sons, Newfane, Vermont: Repairs per plan from Josh Caravajal, RME, $8,175.00.
Rafus told Green the difference in estimates was due to LaFogg including paving in his figures. ANR did not specify paving in the reconstruction plans. Rafus said one site on Brook Road and all three sites on Green River Road had guardrails; the others do not. Stephan Chait asked for a description of the damage sites. All three are on Brook Road, said Rafus. ANR’s engineer inspected each site and created plans specifying the type of wall, stone, and structuring required for each repair project. We know the largest site—on Green River Road—will need repaving, but ANR did not address paving in their reconstruction plan due to the lateness of the season. Paving operations are shutting down now that it is late November.
Green River Road, Site #1
LaFogg & Hathaway, Williamsburg, Massachusetts: Approximately 220’ x 8’ x 5’. Construct stone fill slope protection with stone toe wall, according to print drawn by Josh Caravajal, RME. Guardrail will be removed to perform work, replaced on completion of construction. Paving to be completed Spring 2018. $189,731.00.
A. S. Clark & Sons, Newfane, Vermont: Remove guardrail, cut blacktop along yellow line and remove. Hammer ledge level to water level. Place riprap heavy type-stackable to 4’ to 6’ above water level, place Type 2 riprap from stackable to back of guardrail. Reset guardrail, spread Shur Pac along disturbed lane for winter. Spring 2018: Remove 5” Shur Pac and replace with 5” blacktop. $86,986.00.
At this point, Win Clark asked if contractors had the option, should they be awarded a bid, of withdrawing other bids. Clark was concerned about the tight timeframe and the need to complete work before weather puts a stop to construction. Board members said they intended to award bids to more than one contractor, so work could be done as quickly as possible. The major damage site on Green River Road is a priority, advised Rafus; that one must be rebuilt now. Winter could set in any day now, added Sumner. Some of the lesser repairs may have to wait until spring.
Green River Road, Site #2
A. S. Clark & Sons, Newfane, Vermont: Remove guardrail, dig 4’ below water keyway, place riprap heavy type-stackable to 4’ to 6’ above water level. Place Type 2 riprap from stackable to back of guardrail. Reset guardrail. $56,440.00.
LaFogg & Hathaway, Williamsburg, Massachusetts: Approximately 150’ x 8’ x 5’. Construct stone fill slope protection with stone toe wall, according to print drawn by Josh Caravajal, RME. Guardrail will be removed to perform work, replaced on completion of construction. Paving to be completed Spring 2018. $132,270.00.
Green River Road, Site #3
LaFogg & Hathaway, Williamsburg, Massachusetts: Approximately 90’ x 8’ x 5’. Construct stone fill slope protection with stone toe wall, according to print drawn by Josh Caravajal, RME. Guardrail will be removed to perform work, replaced on completion of construction. Paving to be completed Spring 2018. $82,666.00.
A. S. Clark & Sons, Newfane, Vermont: Remove guardrail, dig 4’ below water keyway, place riprap heavy type-stackable to 4’ to 6’ above water level. Place Type 2 riprap from stackable to back of guardrail. Reset guardrail. $44,830.00.
Branch Road, Site #1
LaFogg & Hathaway, Williamsburg, Massachusetts: Approximately 60’ x 8’ x 5’. Repairs per plan from Josh Caravajal, RME. Guardrails to be removed to perform work and replaced when work complete. $34,315.00.
Branch Road, Site #2
LaFogg & Hathaway, Williamsburg, Massachusetts: Approximately 195’ x 8’ x 5’. Repairs per discussion with Road Commissioner and plans provided by Josh Caravajal, RME. $96,480.00.
Green made a motion to award bids for Branch Road sites #1 and #2 to LaFogg & Hathaway. Sumner seconded the motion, which passed, 3-0.
Rafus made a motion to award Green River Road site #1 repair to A. S. Clark & Sons for $86,986.00 Green seconded the motion, which passed, 3-0.
Rafus asked what the possible time frame would be on the major Green River Road site #1 project. Win Clark estimated the work would take about three weeks. It will take a lot of material, and the stackable is slow. Clark plans to set up Friday and start Monday morning. We will have to notify people and plan bus routes, said Sumner. Green River Road will be closed beginning Monday morning. It will be closed from Moss Hollow Road to Deer Park Road, Rafus told Chait. Rafus also queried both contractors about the source of their stone, as he wants to avoid material transportation problems due to the road closure. He recommended awarding Green River Road site #2 to Clark, and site #3 to LaFogg, to minimize equipment mobilization, and to allow all three sites to be repaired during one road closure period. In further discussion, the Board said permits are already in place.
Rafus made a motion to award the bid for Green River Road site #2 to A. S. Clark & Sons for $56,440.00. Green seconded the motion, which passed, 3-0.
Green made a motion to award the bid for Green River Road site #3 to LaFogg & Hathaway for $82,666.00. Sumner seconded the motion, which passed, 3-0.
If we get these other sites done and winter sets in, can the Brook Road sites wait until spring?, asked Pete LaFogg. Yes, said Rafus, those could wait.
Green made a motion to award the bids for Brook Road sites #1 and #2 to A. S. Clark & Sons, and Brook Road site #3 to LaFogg & Hathaway. Sumner seconded the motion, which passed, 3-0.
Ray Combs asked whether damage was from road washouts or the river. It was all from the river, said Rafus; there were no obstructions, but the rain came so fast riverbed couldn’t handle the volume. Was the FEMA tour productive?, asked Chait. Rafus said they didn’t show up, and Sumner explained that before FEMA got to Halifax their assessment of damage in other towns had already exceeded the level required for assistance eligibility. Halifax will either get financial assistance from FEMA or from the State, said Rafus; we qualify for both. Chait questioned the difference in storm damage repair estimates. The Board told him some of the variance was due to LaFogg including repaving in his quotes, while some was due to difference in materials costs and sourcing.
Listers Request to Solicit Bids for Reappraisal
Last meeting, Sumner advised, the Board had a letter from the listers requesting permission to solicit bids for town-wide reappraisal. Professional assessors have a backlog of work, so it will probably be 2020 or 2021 before the reappraisal actually takes place. We have plenty of money in the account to pay for the project, said Sumner. The Town’s procurement policy requires the listers to publish bid requests. Green made a motion to approve the Listers request to solicit bids for reappraisal. Rafus seconded the motion, which passed, 3-0. In discussion, Chait asked for details on the project. Board members said a full reappraisal must be done every ten years—every property in town is reassessed, and the work must be done by certified appraisers. Do the professional appraisers’ results then become the basis for the listers’ work?, asked Chait. Yes, responded Sumner, and there will be a public hearing (an opportunity for grievances), in the same way grievance hearings are held in Town each year. Sumner also told Chait that during a reappraisal every house and property should be inspected. If a property owner refuses admittance for inspection, and then appeals his appraisal, that appeal will not be heard unless the property owner agrees to a site inspection. Green and Sumner told Combs an owner can appeal a lister decision to the Board of Civil Authority, and then to the State.
Executive Session
None held.
Old Business
Other Business
Hearing of Visitors
Chait thanked the Selectboard and assistant for their work, and wished them a happy and healthy Thanksgiving.
Sign Orders to the Treasurer
The Selectboard’s Order to the Treasurer was reviewed and signed.
New correspondence was reviewed. The Board received notice that Vermont Emergency Management would be in Halifax at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, November 28th, to do an audit of the FY18 grant funding expenditures on the new generator. Selectmen reviewed a letter from the Zoning Administrator to the property owner at 194 Old Green River Road regarding zoning regulation violations. They also have a first draft of a revised traffic ordinance for review; this item will be on the December 5th agenda.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:07 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Robbin Gabriel
Selectboard Secretary