Town of Halifax, Vermont
June 5, 2018
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. Selectboard members Lewis Sumner, Mitchell Green, Bradley Rafus, and School Board members Homer (Chum) Sumner, Paul Blais, and Kim Tefft were present, as were Steven Cohen, Ray Combs, Peggy Rafus, and Robbin Gabriel.
Changes and/or Additions to Agenda
New Business
Cael Scholarship Awards
Selectboard and School Board members opened and reviewed two applications for the yearly Halifax Cael scholarship. Chum Sumner asked Steven Cohen how much money was available this year. The interest is $864, said Cohen, with cumulative interest of approximately $3,000 in a money market account. Over the years, that account had reached about $13,000; last year Cohen put $10,000 of that into a CD. Cohen has been transferring the Cael-related accounts from TD Bank to Brattleboro Savings and Loan, a process that will be complete about mid-June.
The Boards agreed to award a total of $1,000—the $864 interest plus $136 from the money market account–which will be split between the two qualified applicants. Mitch Green made a motion to award $1,000 in Cael scholarship monies, $500 each to be awarded in two $250 payments, to Leah Putnam and Melanie Dow. Kim Tefft seconded the motion, which passed, 6-0.
Chum Sumner told the meeting that the new school merger will not affect the Cael scholarship process. Halifax will retain control of its scholarship and playground funds, while Readsboro will continue to administer its building funds separately. Had that not been the case, said Sumner, the School Board would have requested the Selectboard assume responsibility for the Cael scholarship funds, as a requirement of the bequest is that those monies be used exclusively for Halifax students. The composition of the committee will stay basically the same, added Paul Blais, with the school being represented by the Halifax members of the new Board.
Old Business
Other Business
Blais recalled a discussion at a past meeting regarding open meeting law training; he asked whether anything had happened with that. It’s been busy, replied Lewis Sumner; we haven’t gotten to that yet. Chum Sumner mentioned he had attended an extensive open meeting law training session in Lake Morey recently. It’s not as complicated as it sounds, he said. Blais recommended a local training, to include all boards and the public, so everyone is hearing the same thing at the same time. Gabriel said VLCT will conduct on-site training for a fee. Blaise suggested asking the Secretary of State if they would conduct a session at no charge, and Chum Sumner said he would query the Board of Education.
Gabriel will send notification letters to scholarship recipients, and will also advise Twin Valley administrators prior to their awards night.
Hearing of Visitors
Blais made a motion to adjourn; Chum Sumner seconded the motion, which passed, 6-0. The meeting was adjourned at 6:44 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Robbin Gabriel
Selectboard Secretary