Town of Halifax, Vermont
March 29, 2019


Spring Meeting with VTrans

Selectboard members Lewis Sumner and Brad Rafus met with VTrans representatives Megan Brunk and Tyler Birchmore at 9:00 a.m. in the Town Office. Mitch Green was not able to attend. Nancy McCrea, Diana Conway, and Robbin Gabriel was also present.

The annual financial plan was prepared and will be signed at the April 2nd Selectboard meeting, when the full board is present, before being submitted to VTrans. Based on the calculations, the Town’s obligation in the event of a storm disaster would not exceed $37,000. That figure represents 10% of the Town’s non-winter highway budget. Brunk explained that the 2018 certificate of compliance will remain valid for at least the next few months while the State is revising the Town Road and Bridge Standards. The Standards are being rewritten to incorporate the new Municipal General Road Permit requirements. Once that document is completed and approved, the Selectboard will receive a new compliance certificate for signature.

Rafus asked whether there was a plan in place yet to pay for Act 64 requirements. Currently available grant funding does not take into account the fact that trucking in the necessary gravel and stone is much more expensive for towns like Halifax than it is for towns closer to the sources of those materials. Halifax received a structures grant last year, so we are at the bottom of the list in 2019. We are in the middle of the list for Class 2 paving grants. Rafus said he always submits the grant applications anyway, as sometimes funding is available even if the Town is not at the head of the list. Rafus advised the Town plans to repave a mile of Green River Road this year, beginning at the Guilford line; culvert and ditch projects are also scheduled on Reed Hill and Pennel Hill roads. Rafus asked about availability of State grants for digital speed limit signs; there have been speeding problems in the village, especially at school bus time. Brunk said she would check on that. Brunk will be away in July and August, but Tyler Birchmore and Marc Pickering will be available if needed.

The meeting adjourned at 9:43 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Robbin Gabriel
Selectboard Secretary