JUNE 1, 2021
Sumner called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM. Selectboard members present were Lewis Sumner, Peter Silverberg, Bradley Rafus, Tristan Roberts, & Cara Cheyette. Also in attendance either by phone or video were Tina Blais, Paul Blais, Everett Wilson, David Jones, Edee Edwards, Jeff Marsden, Kaylinn Gaskell, Linda Combs, Linda Lyon, Robbin Gabriel, Stephan Chait, Sue Kelly, Peggy Rafus, Rhonda Ashcraft, Kaitlin Stone, Doug & Marilou Parkhurst, Kathy McLean & Jennie Richard. Paul Blais, meeting Moderator gave instructions on how to ask questions, make comments to those attending remotely.
Sumner made a motion to accept the special meeting minutes from May 18, 2021 as written. Silverberg seconded the motion which passed 3-0 with Cheyette & Roberts abstaining.
Sumner made a motion to accept the regular meeting minutes from May 4, 2021 as written. Silverberg seconded the motion passed 3-0 with Cheyette and Roberts abstaining.
Opened bids for CPA Audit. Two bids received Sullivan Powers & Batchelder Associates. Discussion ensued. Board decided they needed more time to study both proposals, no decision made. The Board will revisit the CPA bids at the next monthly meeting.
Opened bids for diesel and heating fuel. Three bids received. Barrows and Fisher Oil, Sandri, & Guy E. Nido Discussion ensued, Sumner made a motion to accept the bid for diesel & heating fuel from Guy E. Nido. Roberts seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-0 with Rafus abstaining.
Opened bids for black topping. Five bids were received, Springfield Paving, Peckham Road Corp, All State Construction Inc., Northeast Paving, & Bazin Brothers Trucking Inc. Discussion ensued. Roberts made a motion to accept the bid for paving from Bazin Brothers. Cheyette seconded. The motion passed 4-0 with Rafus abstaining.
Opened bids for Gravel. Three bids were received, Cersosimo Industries, Renaud Gravel Inc., Mitchell Materials, LLC. Discussion ensued. The board decided that they needed more info from the vendors, Rafus will go out and visit sites to look at gravel and find out more info. No decisions were made and the board will revisit gravel bids.
Opened bid for sand. One bid was received, Renaud Gravel Inc. Discussion ensued. Sumner made a motion to accept the bid for sand from Renaud Gravel, Silverberg seconded the motion. The motion passed with 4-0 with Rafus abstaining.
Cael Scholarship – Roberts made a motion for Selectboard to meet with the Halifax School Board to make a decision on granting the Cael Scholarship on June 8, 2021 at 6:00 PM at a special meeting. Silverberg seconded the motion. Motion passed 5-0.
Process & timing of Road Commissioner appointment – After much discussion the board decided to discuss further at the next meeting.
Yearly appointments as follows:
Halifax Planning Commission & Zoning Board of Adjustment, Sumner made a motion to reappoint William Pusey & to nominate Thomas Tefft. Motion passed 4-0 with Roberts abstaining. Halifax Conservation Commission, Linda Huebner & Cara Cheyette stepped down, Roberts made a motion to nominate Lesslie Pollet & David Towler. Motion passed 5-0. Celebration Committee, Roberts made a motion to reappoint Patricia Dow, Paul Blais, Tina Blais, Joan Courser, Gary Rand & Andrea Rand. Motion passed 5-0. Broadband Committee, Cara Cheyette stepped down. Roberts made motion to nominate Jennie Strowe, Tristan Roberts, Stephan Chait, David Jones, & Bob Teree. Motion passed 5-0. Road Commissioner, Sumner nominated Bradley Rafus, motion passed 4-0 with Rafus abstaining. Tree Warden, Cheyette nominated Sue Kelly, motion passed 5-0. Pound Keeper, Sumner made motion to nominate Andy Rice. Motion passed 5-0. Windham Regional Commissioners, Sumner made motion to appoint Stephan Chait & Everett Wilson. Motion passed 5-0. Windham Solid Waste Management Reps, Cara Cheyette stepped down, Roberts made a motion to appoint Lewis Sumner & Stephen Chait. Motion passed 4-0, Sumner abstained. Loan Review Committee, Sumner made motion to appoint Andy Rice & Allan Dacey. Motion passed 5-0. ADA Coordinator, Cheyette made a motion to appoint Robert Leete. Motion passed 5-0. E-911 Coordinator, Sumner made motion to appoint Wayne Courser, Motion passed 5-0. Recycling Coordinator, Roberts made a motion to appoint Lewis Sumner. Motion passed 4-0 with Sumner abstaining. Green up VT, INC. Sumner made a motion to appoint Hope Phelan & Jessica Cooney. Motion passed 5-0. Emergency Management Director, Sumner made a motion to appoint Paul Blais. Motion passed 5-0. Citation Ticket Responsibility, Sumner made a motion to appoint Andy Rice, motion passed 5-0. Energy Conservation Officer, Cheyette made a motion to appoint Robert Leete, motion passed 5-0. First Constable, Rafus made a motion to appoint Andy Rice, Motion passed 5-0. Second Constable, Sumner made a motion to appoint Roy Richardson, Motion passed 5-0.
DOG COMPLAINT – Discussion ensued, Blais will arrange a meeting with all parties involved.
Blais asked opinions of the board as to keeping set hours. Discussion followed.
Passing info along to the public about the yearly testing.
Due to the length of the meeting the Board decided to table the following three agenda items until the July monthly meeting. In person meetings, Moderator/no moderator, Open meeting rules for a five member board, Communication discussion.
Roberts would like to look at doing something in appreciation of essential workers in Halifax during COVID. Discussion ensued.
Rafus made a motion at 10:04 PM to go into executive session for a personnel matter. Tristan seconded. Motion passed 5-0.
The Board ended executive session at 10:20 PM with no decisions made.
Sumner made a motion to adjourn, Silverberg seconded. Motion passed 5-0.
Link to meeting audio recording.