2021-11-02 Selectboard Meeting Minutes
November 02, 2021
CALL TO ORDER: Sumner called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Selectboard members present were, Lewis Sumner, Pete Silverberg, Tristan Roberts, Cara Cheyette and Earl Holtz (remote). Others in attendance in person or remotely were, Mary Brewster, Robbin Gabriel, Mary Horne, David Jones, Kathy McLean, Doug Parkhurst, Marilou Parkhurst, Chris Parkins, Anna Duca, Stephen Chait, Michael Fournier, Ray Combs, Robert Leete, Keith Stone and Timothy Putnam.
APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES: Cara Cheyette moved to accept October 19, 2021 regular minutes as written. Tristan Roberts seconded; Earl Holtz proposed a correction. Moved to accept with changes. The motion passed, 5-0
EXECUTIVE SESSION: Roberts moved to enter executive session to interview for Highway Department, Truck Driver position, seconded by Cheyette. The motion passed, 5-0 Executive session ended at 6:22 pm with no decisions made.
Final Decision to Hire or Appoint and Explanations
Silverberg moved that Tim Putnam be appointed to the Truck Driver Position with the stipulation that Putnam acquire a CDL permit by February 1st 2022 and Class B CDL by August 1st 2022, seconded by Sumner. The motion passed, 5-0 Sumner moved that Tim Putnam be hired at the hourly pay rate of $15 with an increase after Class B CDL, seconded by Silverberg. The motion passed, 5-0
Animating Infrastructure
Grants Ideas Discussed:
– Town office meeting space
– Outdoor meeting space
– Murals, art, books
– Handicap accessibility
– Lighting
Roberts will look into if the office is a cultural facility, information on an architect with the Preservation Trust and if building being owned by school could be a problem. ADA compatibility issues and an engineering and architecture study reached general agreement as long as there was no commitment to action.
Budget Meeting Information
Cheyette moved that they post highway budget as excel spreadsheet instead of pdf, Silverberg seconded. Motioned and passed 5 to 0. Roberts moved to change the November 6th 2021 Selectboard Budget Meeting to 10am-12pm, Silverberg seconded. Motioned and passed 5 to 0. Anna Duca is to contact other Halifax boards and commissions to see what they want in their budgets by the end of November.
Formal Highway Expense Sign-off Cheyette, Silverberg and Holtz are the primary signers and if they have an issue they will contact Sumner or Roberts.
Highway Department: Road Update-Mike Fournier Issue with the expense of a culvert acquired from another town for a replacement being done on Deer Park and a guard rail quote.
Fournier will:
– Get a quote for the complete guard rail project.
– Accept and sign a Cargill salt quote for $73/ton delivered.
– Purchase 325 gallon hydro seeder for about $4,350 and the grant would cover 80% by June 30th 2022.
– See if he can get someone to come in and trap some of the beavers, Silverberg will assist.
Bob Leete – Road Concern
No longer a road concern, thanked highway department.
National Opioids Settlement
Roberts moved to accept money from National Opioids Settlement, Cheyette seconded. Motioned and passed 5 to 0. Roberts will be authorized to sign formal and binding documents through DocuSign.
Property Tax Sales- Mary Brewster
Sumner moved that Mary Brewster is given the latitude as delinquent tax collector to contact the Town attorney if necessary for tax sales, Silverberg seconded. Motioned and passed 5 to 0.
Remote Training For Committees/Departments
Selectboard will share with committee chairs how to use the equipment in the town offices sometime in the next few weeks.
Selectman Wages Not In The Budgets
5 Selectboard members and only 3 with wages in the current budget. Sumer suggested we pay the wages and if the money is not found raise the deficit next year. No formal decision was made.
Whitingham Letter of Concern re Town Hill
Duca will post the letter on the town website.
ARPA Funds There are a lot of opportunities other than just the local funds available. ARPA funds will be included in budget conversations. The public is encouraged to contact Silverberg with more ideas.
EMD Alternate Position
Roberts resigned from this position. Roberts moved that Tom Tefft appointed as EMD alternate, Cheyette seconded. Motioned and passed 5 to 0.
Flood Resilient Communities Fund
First round has closed; next January there is another round. Property owners on river channel and flood plains could have an opportunity and the public is encouraged to contact Roberts.
Post Office Update
The USPS is currently in the approval process to renew or relocate the Post Office. The board will be contacted when they are through the approval process. Before the next meeting Silverberg will contact the office of Peter Welch again.
own Report Duca was not able to reach out to former Town Auditors about completing the Town Report. Volunteers will be sought out.
Stephan Chait, the Halifax Representative on DVFiber, advised there is a $4.1 million broadband grant for a fiber optic system and Halifax will be part of phase 1. No taxpayer funded dollars are used for this. David Jones is now a Project Manager for DVFiber. The public were encouraged to remotely participate in their meeting. The communications committee will reach out the board in the future about getting the word out.
Fournier resigned as Cemetery Commissioner at the last meeting. He will give Patty Dow an official resignation for the records.
The Selectboard’s Order to the Treasurer was reviewed and signed.
Correspondence was reviewed and filed.
Cheyette moved to adjourn, Silverberg seconded. Motion passed 5-0 at 8:22 pm. Recording link: https://youtu.be/Szu4eQNCv98
Respectfully Submitted,
Anna Duca
Selectboard Secretary