April 19, 2022



Sumner called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Selectboard members present were, Lewis Sumner, Pete Silverberg and Tristan Roberts, and Edee Edwards and Cara Cheyette participating remotely. Others in attendance in person or remotely were Roza Podlaski, Patricia Dow, Bonnie Batchelder, Bob Teree, Chris Parkins, Janice Bliss, Raquel Smith, David Jones, Linda and Paul Blais, Stephen Chait, Mary Brewster, Michael Fournier, Kathy McLean, Jason Klump,  and Andy Rice.


  • April 5, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes – approved with two corrections “edwards edwards” and Andy Rice recording change name. Approved (Passed 5-0)
  • April 11, 2022 Special Meeting Minutes – Correct Bonnie agreed to be present not president. Approved (Passed 5-0)


Bonnie/Audit Presentation – Bonnie presented an overview of the audit report with recommendations. Bonnie recommends that reserve funds should be separated to another banking account to keep better track of spending of operating and reserve funds. With the amount of activities that we have, we should switch over to a software that gears towards municipalities by funds, which quickbooks does not. Recommends the town come up with a policy for related-parties transactions.  

Road Supervisor Job Description – A lot of overlap in commissioner and supervisor job positions, which is why we started this process in the first place. Why the 1st version is more appropriate than the 2nd version. Commissioner is not necessarily overseeing the supervisor, they are a liaison. There is value in not bogging down the supervisor so they are not performing their road crew duties as needed. No decision made. 

Discuss Disposition of Unused Town Truck at ATG With Craig Allen – Will discuss at next meeting

Highway – Ex-Military Road Compactor Available – Not self propelled one. Will have to attach it to something. Town of North Bennington expressed interest only if two other towns committed to it. It is a package of 3. They will split costs evenly. There is a bit of a gamble, you don’t know exactly what you are getting. If we don’t want to wait then he will double the price. 3-3500K with shipping rough guess. If we agree he would like a conference call to confirm or email letter to let him know we are interested. Not too difficult to mount. Military grade. Will save a lot of maintenance on the road in terms of grading. Will be a good investment to take risk. Auction ends on the 23rd. If we agree it will be a loan agreement because it is in his name 18 months, and then it would be ours, per military-surplus stipulation. Motioned to purchase (Passed 5-0).

Edee – Financial Information for Info session – Edwards presented slideshow. Discussed budget challenges, why we need a budget, etc. Someone asked for clarification on interest on long-term debt. We could borrow more than we usually do. 

ARPA – Will discuss at next meeting. 

Patty – Discontinue Use of Equipment Fund and Make Part of Town’s General Fund as of July 1 – Less is more, it confuses our actual cash position. For regular equipment day-to-day operations, not the general reserves fund. Both can be operated out of one general fund and more streamlined. Nothing for tracking purposes would change. Will still show up on quarterly analysis. Motioned (Passed 4-1). 

Grant Opportunity VT Community Foundation – Will discuss at next meeting. 

Mary Brewster Tax Sale – Will be posted appropriately in newspapers (must be 3 weeks in a row) and in normal physical town locations. Mary In town as a lister on Wednesdays if anyone has questions. Taxpayers pay it, it doesn’t cost the town anything. Motioned (Passed 5-0)

LEMP Approval – Must be submitted to the state by May 1st. Discussed changes, updated vulnerable population, alternate EOC location, kept fire station as primary and used town office as alternate (as previously discussed). The school district office had admin assist listed who is no longer there, so rather he listed the superintendent of schools. Motioned to approve LEMP program (Passed 5-0). 

Upcoming election–size of Selectboard & lack of candidates? – There are no candidates. What would the process look like if we move back to a 3 person board? Peter called and asked VLCT and it is clear in the statutes that the two new seats go away and that the 3 three-year seats must stay. This would make Tristan’s position go away. There will be 30 days for a petition. There is a lot of value to having extra opinions from board members. 




Someone wondering how the Sheriff in town came about. Concerns with citizens going too fast in the village and in town. Used to have state police do it, now Sheriff patrols. No specific times asked to patrol (when they are available and have the most impact). 




Motioned to pay Batchelder Associates 14K from Scott Fund (Passed 5-0).


1 Overweight permit signed by Lewis


Motioned to adjourn meeting (Passed 5-0). Meeting adjourned at 8:46pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Roza Podlaski

For the Selectboard

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