Office of the Selectboard
Town of Halifax, Vermont
Special Meeting Minutes
April 21, 2012
Present: Edee Edwards, Earl B Holtz, Lewis Sumner, Linda Lyon, Jessica Bruno
Business before the board: To see if there were additional applications for the EMD position. There was one additional candidate whose information was received via e-mail.
Meeting was opened at 10:00 am.
Motion to go into executive session made by Edwards and seconded by Holtz, and passed 2-0-1. Sumner abstained from the vote. Sumner excused himself from the remainder of the meeting.
Came out of executive session at 10:45am, with no decisions being made.
Edwards made a motion to write a letter to the final candidate to thank him for his application, but we feel his experience is not a good fit for our situation. Edwards will follow up with the letter. Holtz seconded the motion, and the motion passed 2-0-0.
The meeting was closed officially at 10:47am.
Respectfully submitted,
Jessica Bruno
Selectboard Secretary