April 5, 2022
Sumner called the meeting to order at 6:01 pm. Selectboard members present were, Lewis Sumner, Pete Silverberg, and Edee Edwards, Tristan Roberts and Cara Cheyette participating remotely. Others in attendance in person or remotely were Mike Fournier, Roza Podlaski, Patricia Dow, David Jones, and Doug and Marilou Parkhurst, Sarah Barnett, Benjamin Reynolds, and Andy Rice.
April 5 agenda changed to approve “March 15”, not “March 1” meeting.
Edwards motioned to amend March 15 minutes to say “10070” and not “1070” Jacksonville Stage Rd, seconded and passed, 5-0.
Road Commissioner Position/Road Supervisor Job Description –
Edwards stated it is a requirement to appoint 1 or 2 road commissioners, which can be a Selectboard member, per secretary of state. It should be someone who is a good communicator and has experience with the town highways. Roza and Mike streamlined road commissioner and supervisor duties. Edwards read 2 options for the road commissioner job description. Option 1 is more robust and option 2 is more streamlined.
Mike suggested option 1 is better because they are the one who has to speak with Selectboard and the public if something is not right. They should be the person who has the ultimate responsibility over the road supervisor. In other words they direct the supervisor on what needs to be done. Peter suggested that the call outs and schedule should be done by the same person. Sumner motioned to approve option 1 Road Commissioner job description. Silverberg would like to know more about the road supervisor position before a decision is made. Will be added to the next regular agenda meeting. Fournier would like this finalized before town meeting day if possible.
Set date for informational hearing (within 10 days of town meeting)-
Schoolboard would like to have a hearing with us on Tuesday, April 26 at the town office. Sumner motioned we have it Tuesday night and then Wednesday night will be the rest of the meeting. Seconded and passed 5-0.
Discuss Violation and Fine with Owner 10070 Stage Rd –
Premium title Co wanted to appeal fine from violation of ordinance. Patty emailed a few times and left voicemail. No response. They did not submit but an email stating that the fee of what we are charging them is half of what the sales price for the property is. Buyer of property Benjamin Reynold who resides in Halifax learned this morning of the fine and wanted to see what owners would do about the fine. He is concerned they are not as involved with the fine as they should be. He is not confident that they will pay the fine. The bank was the one who cleaned up the property. Cheyette stated that we wanted to invite the owners so that we were not debating what we would do with the fine. Cheyette asked the buyer how this would affect his purchase. There is a hold due to municipal town lien, which is preventing him from purchasing the property. Fournier is concerned if we cut back on this fine then others would not take our ordinances seriously. We do not want to set this kind of precedence. We need ordinances to be upheld. Patty will let them know that the fine will be upheld.
Award bid on new truck and equipment –
Mike went over options. Stated the cheapest one was recently sold so the best option is Western Star from ATV, located in Vermont. Sumner motioned to order the 2023 Western Star for $139,140, passed 5-0.
Sumner motioned to approve the body and plow and parts for $86,450, awarded to Viking Cives from Williston, VT. Motioned and passed 5-0.
Discuss 2021 Audit Report –
Dow has read the audit and approved, using recommendations. Barnett asked what should be included in the town report. Dow suggested we put in the audit letter and if anyone wanted copies of the audit then we can make them available upon request. Cheyette will ask Bonnie what typically goes in a report, missing pages, and other updates. Special meeting may need to take place to discuss further (April 11). Will ask Bonnie to post in the report the independent auditors report and town deficiencies and findings. Motioned to put that in the town report, passed 5-0.
Guilford Gravel Grinder Bike Ride Discussion –
Saturday July 16, want to donate $250 to us. Motioned to approve the event on that day, seconded and passed 5-0. Roza will send an email to them.
Cannibis Regulations –
A lot of towns are making the choice to approve the sales of cannibis. Some townspeople are asking where we stand on that. Postponed until the next meeting so we can see what the regulations are.
Beaver Mitigation –
Pennell Hill is a problem with Beaver, being there 4x in the last 10 days. In order to control the water level there, do we continue the way we are going with an excavator and water to dig it out? Or do we make another effort to use advice from Tyler Brown to build a cage and run a pipe through the dam and down into the culvert. Better than trapping the beavers out because they will keep coming back. Edwards motioned for Tyler Brown’s advice and purchase of materials, seconded and passed 5-0.
Update From Andy Rice –
Rice has been working with the captain of the sheriff’s dept. He got a truck out of 228 Green River Rd from the side of the road. Tim and Keith made sure no one was in the truck. Trash was all over and it was on its side. Concerns of oil leaking. None of the wreckers wanted to move it.
Someone dumped paint on the road last week on video. Turned that over to the sheriff. He also put a sign up on the community hall stating a political thing, which needed to be taken down. He started dumping trash on the front lawn of the community hall out of protest. He has a troublesome history.
Trying to catch up on dog tag registrations, especially those that have not been registered.
State senators and the representative asking for a letter of political support for a govt grant by April 19th. Sumner motioned, seconded and passed 5-0.
Sumner read Selectboard Order.
Cheyette motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded and passed 5-0. Meeting adjourned at 8:17pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Roza Podlaski
For the Selectboard