Town of Halifax, Vermont
August 12, 2013
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 1:00 pm at the town office. Board members in attendance were Edee Edwards, Earl Holtz, and Lewis Sumner. Others in attendance were Jessica Bruno and Brad Rafus.
New Business
Review of Highway Orders
The highway orders were reviewed and signed.
Old Business
Old County North Bridge
The state provided details regarding appropriate weight limits. It was noted that HS-20, HS-25, and HL-93 are adequate for state highway design standards (80,000 lbs). The response from John Alexander is attached.Alexander noted that HS-20 would be more than adequate unless there was a need for extreme loads.
Sumner made a motion to revise the design of the Old County North Bridge to HS-20 standards. Holtz seconded the motion, which passed 3-0-0.
The Selectboard worked on a letter to Holden Engineering outlining their concerns regarding costs. Edwards noted that the Selectboard may want to consider hiring a clerk for the project.
Hearing of Visitors
Rafus received a call from Sovernet regarding a landowner that will not allow them to run their line across their property on Reed Hill Road. Sovernet would like to put the line underground along the edge of the road. Rafus is meeting with Sovernet to review and will ask them for a document for the Selectboard to sign.
Rafus reported that the town of Guilford may be purchasing a new tractor with roadside mower and inquired if we wanted to purchase the old machine (with approx. 5000 hours on it) for trade-in value of $25,000. Rafus noted that you can also use it a lot in the Spring for mud control, raking, and blowing leaves. In the long run it will cut down on brush cutting. Edwards felt that we didn’t budget for it and there is no money to pull from in the budget. Holtz was interested in a cost analysis to figure the breakeven point.
There was a brief discussion about the petroleum fund and the installation of monitoring wells.
The Selectboard reviewed correspondence and routed appropriately.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:58 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jessica Bruno
Selectboard Secretary