Town of Halifax, Vermont


August 17, 2013

Call to Order

The Selectboard attended the Public Hearing of the Town of Halifax Planning Commission, to get input on the Draft Town Plan for Adoption. The meeting was called to order at 10:00 AM. Present were Selectboard members Lewis Sumner and Edee Edwards. Earl Holtz was absent. Present were Planning Commission members Linda Smith, Brian McNeice, Sirean LaFlamme, and John Brimmer, and Planning Commission Secretary Phyllis Evanuk. Also present were members of the Public: Gretchen Becker, Jessica Bruno, Paul Taylor, Janet Taylor, Norman Fajans, Margo Avakian, Margaret Bartenhagen, and Nick Bartenhagen. Please note that these Selectboard minutes will be in addition to the regular minutes from the Public Hearing.

Public Hearing

Linda Smith opened the meeting and read the statement from the planning commission about the proposed changes to the town plan.

Several comments and questions about specific parts of the town plan draft were noted. Most were of a minor nature. Because of printing difficulties, page numbers were lacking, and some pages appeared to be missing in the copies on hand. Smith said that corrected copies would made be available at the Town Office within the week, and additional comments would be accepted. Bruno offered to also put the Town Plan up on the Town website.


The meeting adjourned at 10:38 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Edee Edwards

Selectboard Chair