Halifax Vermont Emergency Select board Meeting
21 August 2013 @ 10:14AM
Attendance: Peter Boemig – SVE
Thaddeus Betts – SVE
Christina Moore – Storm Petrel LLC
Edee Edwards – Selectboard
Lewis Sumner – Selectboard
Earl B Holtz – Selectboard
Meeting was called to order at 10:14 AM on the 21 August at the Hale Road Culvert Bridge site, to review the construction of FEMA project No. DR-4022-VT-PW-02140, Dept of Army permit no. NAE-2013-1249, Agency of Natural Resources “Authorization to Conduct Stream Alteration Activities” dated 10 December 2012.
The meeting was called to order at 10:14AM by Edee Edwards.
Reviewing the construction, it was noted that there is an illusion that the bridge is not plumb with the stream and that one guard rail looks short. It was designed this way to keep expenses in line with FEMA constraints.
There is a group of Quaking Aspens(popple) that are off the towns right of way that are leaning towards the new guard rails and in the future may fall and damage said guard rails.
The road crew will be asked to review Hale Road ditching to make sure that water run off does not cause erosion of the banks.
It was noted that the grass is growing along the road side banks.
Thaddeus Betts of SVE provided a “Conditions of Notice of Acceptability of Work” document to the town of Halifax select board. This will be copied and put in the file as well as provided to Petrel to be forwarded to FEMA.
A Motion was made by Edee Edwards and seconded by Lewis Sumner to accept the Hale Road Culvert pipe arch bridge as built. The bridge was accepted by a vote of 3 to 0 for the motion.
SVE and Renaud Bros were asked to generate their final bills and submit to the select board as soon as possible so the Halifax can start the final close out process. SVE to convey this message to Renaud Bros.
Respectfully submitted by
Earl B Holtz
Selectman – Halifax, Vermont