Town of Halifax, VT
Minutes – Special Meeting
December 13, 2011
Call to Order
A special meeting of the Halifax Selectboard to discuss the highway budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2013 was held at Town Office in Halifax. The meeting was started at 10:10 am, by Vice chair, Lewis Sumner. Edee Edwards, Selectboard member, was present. John LaFlamme, Selectboard Chair, was not present due to an emergency. Bradley Rafus from the Highway Department was present.
New Business
FY2013 Budget Proposal
Sumner, Edwards, and Rafus walked through the account lines for the Highway budget, discussing each item with an initial proposal for the line item to keep the current level of services. A copy of the draft numbers is attached.
Due to LaFlamme’s absence, another meeting will be scheduled to finalize the numbers and resolve outstanding questions.
Old Business
Patty Dow stopped in and noted that she had some preliminary information including an amortization schedule on a possible bond scenario for the town, which will help in the next budget meeting (date yet undecided).
Other Business
Christina Moore, Halifax’s Project Manager for FEMA dropped by and noted that she had received a communication regarding Halifax’s river and road work due to Irene. The Army Corps of Engineers had deemed this to be normal maintenance. Normally, a permit is needed from the ACE to do work in the river; however, this fact was not communicated to towns in the wake of Irene. We noted that the work had been communicated with both the Agency of Natural Resources and the Army Corp of Engineers, which had done a site visit of the Green River Road.
No formal motions were made.
The meeting adjourned at 12:23 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Edee Edwards, Selectboard member