Town of Halifax, Vermont
February 24, 2012
Special Meeting
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 9:07 AM. Board members in attendance were John LaFlamme, and Edee Edwards. Board member Lewis Sumner was not in attendance. Others in attendance were Peter Boemig (SVE Associates), Steve Tarbox (SVE Associates), Joe Tamburrino, Ray White, Chuck Wasserloos (FEMA), Jeff Kirkland (FEMA), Brad Rafus, and Board Secretary Phyllis Evanuk.
Mr. LaFlamme advised the main purpose for this special meeting was to meet with SVE Associates to go over bridge designs and options.
Reed Hill Road Bridge:
Mr. Boemig advised that they have completed the hydraulic studies and are in the design portion of the project. He advised that regarding the Reed Hill Road Bridge, they found from the analysis that the decking from the bridge cannot be reused. They are proposing a new abutment on the west side and a new wing wall on the east side. They would need to excavate to 6 feet below the stream bed. They will pursue with the AOT putting in a longer span so the excavation would not be as deep, and might cost less. The base would be 30” and will meet the requirements of the state. Their calculations show that the water would be way below the bridge deck even in a so called 100 year flood event, but would flow around the west side of the bridge. They will work up a cost comparison for each option and should have that in about 2 weeks. They recommend the same type of structure as previous, a precast concrete deck.
Mr. Tarbox showed some preliminary sketches showing the different options and gave a brief description of each. He advised that they are considering, but have not decided, using all precast, both abutments and decking.
Deer Park:
Mr. Boemig advised that should have survived the 100 year flood. They surmise that the failure was caused by huge amounts of debris undermining the structure. They are proposing a 48 foot opening where the existing was 45 feet. One concern is bedrock on one side which needs to be considered, as well as the angle of approach. He advised they will also look at using precast concrete decking as opposed to the wood decking that was there.
While on the subject of Deer Park Bridge, Ms. Edwards asked for clarification on the PW they had been asked to sign off on. Mr. Wasserloos advised that the PW figures were based on figures that engineers use to develop costs, so that it is a good estimate. With a large project it is possible to adjust it later on if necessary. When Mr. LaFlamme asked for reassurance from SVE for the accuracy of this PW dollar amount, Mr. Boemig advised they were not at a point where they could attest to that.
Ms. Edwards moved to approve signing the Project Worksheet for the Deer Park Bridge repair and hazard mitigation.
Mr. LaFlamme seconded the motion which carried 2-0.
Hale Road Bridge:
Mr. Boemig advised it was a pipe arch and they propose replacing it with another half-pipe steel arch with a 24 foot span on concrete footings. This is to the codes and standards of ANR. Barry Calhoun has advised that would be fine.
Ms. Edwards gave a synopsis of what they had to consider and asked what they could expect when they meet with SVE the next time.
Mr. Boemig advised they should have final plans for the bridges at that time and cost estimates and comparisons. They should have Reed Hill and Hale Road ready by the end of March. Deer Park will come after that.
A discussion regarding possible discounts on precast concrete followed, with the Board looking at putting the three bridges out to bid at the same time for a possible cost advantage to the town. It was pointed out that several factors might make this a moot point; Deer Park might not be a precast; if separate contractors are awarded each bridge they might choose different precast suppliers; the final designs have not been submitted so cost advantages and options have not been reviewed. While it is something to consider, they should wait until they are at a point where bids become the next step, before anticipating possible or imagined savings.
10:15 AM – Mr. Boemig and Mr. Tarbox left the meeting.
Mr. LaFlamme advised that Christina Moore had emailed out an amendment to the Green River Road project and he asked for an update.
Mr. Wasserloos explained the differences in the original PW and the PW amendment. The original obligated cost was $962,000 and the amendment has added an additional $949,134.18 to the original amount. The new total estimated cost without the final paving is $1,911,134.18.
Ms. Edwards moved to approve signing the amendment #1 to the PW #00073 for Green River Road work with the addition to the cost.
Mr. LaFlamme seconded the motion which carried 2-0.
Regarding the Justification document that Ms. Edwards has been composing regarding the necessity for the temporary bridge at Deer Park Road, Mr. Kirkland advised it looked very good to him and suggested it be sent not only to him but to Gary Shelley at the state as well. He advised that the references and documentation of past meetings and discussions on the topic was a good thing and should help in a favorable determination.
Mr. Rafus advised that they need to rent or purchase some Jersey Barriers for placement to close off the ends of the temporary bridge. These are being required as a safety precaution. He further advised that when he had asked the state safety coordinator if the concrete barriers at the old sand pile could be used he was told not to, because they would present a possible liability issue. The Jersey Barriers are designed so that if a tire hits one the rest of the car will not hit it.
Mr. Rafus advised that there are Jersey Barriers at the site now that were installed by the construction crew while installing the temporary bridge. These can be rented from them at a cost of $35 per month, per barrier, or they can be purchased for $400 each for a total of $2,400. Mr. Rafus further advised that the safety coordinator told him that whenever the town crew is working and closing a road off they should be using them.
Because the total cost to purchase them is less than an 18 month rental, and is under the cost to require bids, they told Mr. Rafus to get a PO from Mr. Tamburrino and purchase them.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Phyllis H. Evanuk