Town of Halifax, Vermont

July 24, 2012

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 2:58 PM at the town office.  Board members in attendance were Lewis Sumner and Earl Holtz. Edee Edwards was absent. Others in attendance were Jessica Bruno, Joe Tamburrino, Christina Moore, and Brad Rafus.

The purpose of the meeting was to approve a bid for the Reed Hill Bridge construction.

Holtz inquired whether there were any major differences between the bids. Tamburrino noted that all were exactly the same and no exceptions were taken. SVE Associates went over the bids to make sure the Selectboard is comparing apples to apples. Tamburrino stated that Peter Boemig at SVE recommends Renaud Brothers as they are qualified and are the lowest bid.

Sumner made a motion to issue notice of award to Renaud Brothers Inc. for a total of $402,535 for the Reed Hill Bridge construction project.

The motion was not seconded at this time, and was expanded to include additional language after the following discussion:

Holtz inquired whether Halifax has had any issues with any of the vendors. Rafus replied no. In fact, Renaud Brothers usually goes above and beyond and does more than required. Renaud Brothers has worked on three bridges for Halifax.

Tamburrino stated that Edwards had left a note for him to mention that clean-up by the contractor should be addressed. Tamburrino noted that there is really no debris on site, and they usually clean up every time they are done. Moore suggested looking in the scope of work to confirm it is there. It was later confirmed that there is a condition in the project manual that the site be restored to its former condition.

Moore inquired whether the contract takes into account removal of the bridge deck that is now at the town garage. Tamburrino replied that it did not. Only on-site debris removal is included. Rafus inquired how we would take care of the planks at the garage? Moore suggested that we add a project or scope for this deck/plank removal. Tamburrino noted that we will need a purchase order for the crushing, torching, and removal. Moore will work on getting a PW for the deck removal.

Moore noted that the regulatory compliance, dates, and permit conditions don’t appear in the documents. The equipment needs to be out of the waterway by October 15, 2012, and this needs to be in the scope of work and contract. She also inquired where the scope of work is?

At 3:08 pm the group called Peter Boemig at SVE and talked with him via speakerphone. Moore asked Boemig where the language and conditions are that she gave him. Boemig replied that the language she gave him is in the supplemental conditions section of the project manual, section 00800, page 4. The project manual was locked in the safe, so the call with Boemig was terminated, and Patricia Dow was called to come down to the town office to retrieve it for the Selectboard from the safe.

A discussion followed concerning accountability of the contractor and the town. Holtz noted that the bond only covers what is in the specifications, contract, or purchase order.

Moore reviewed the project manual and noted that the specifications she gave to Boemig were in the documents, however, the date the contractor needs to have equipment out of the river was not included.

Tamburrino stated that all we need at this point is the go ahead to prepare the paperwork for the contract. Renaud Brothers had indicated that they could start this week, but Tamburrino strongly advised not to start work until the contract is signed. He anticipates that SVE could have the contract ready by Thursday or Friday of this week.

Moore inquired whether we have all of the necessary easements. Sumner replied that we are still waiting on one more. Bob Fisher has talked with the property owner and they had indicated that they would sign the paperwork and send it back.

Moore noted that the project manual states that the owner shall maintain property insurance for the site, and the owner shall issue all communication to the contractor through the engineer. When we get the right of way, does the insurance we have extend to those right of ways? Moore would like to see the certificate of insurance include those right of ways. Moore will contact the town’s insurance carrier VLCT to get clarification on this issue, and to include the right of ways on the certificate of insurance.

Moore also noted that SVE needs to invite Todd Menees to the pre-construction conference. Part of the process to get a permit from the VANR is that Menees explain the conditions of the permit.

Sumner restated his motion as follows:

Sumner made a motion to issue notice of award to Renaud Brothers accept their bid  for a total of $402,535 for the Reed Hill Bridge construction project as per the terms in the Project Manual for the Town of Halifax, Reed Hill Road Bridge, Replacement Bridge No 33, Town Highway No 18, over the Branch Brook, SVE project number B5188. In addition to the terms in the project manual, the contractor shall comply with the terms and conditions of the VANR stream permit including having all equipment out of the river by October 15, 2012.

Holtz seconded the motion which carried 2-0-0.

Next, Tamburrino presented the estimate from SVE for construction oversight services in the amount of $34,115.  The group discussed alternative options such as having Rafus or Moore do the oversight. Time was an issue for Rafus. Moore indicated that she thought it would be beneficial to go with SVE with their expertise and their involvement in the project.

Holtz made a motion to accept the SVE Associates construction engineering services quote dated July 23, 2012, for the construction portion of the Reed Hill Bridge replacement project not to exceed $34,115, with the condition that SVE Associates provide photographs with date and location stamp and documents that demonstrate compliance with construction guidelines, materials used, terms and conditions of project manual B5188, and environmental protective measures. These photographs and documents shall be provided to the Town of Halifax for submission to the State of VT and FEMA.

Sumner seconded the motion, which carried 2-0-0.

Bruno will prepare notices of award for Renaud Brothers and SVE and have them for signature at the Friday Selectboard Special Meeting.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:19 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Jessica Bruno
Selectboard Secretary