Town of Halifax, Vermont

July 29, 2013

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 1:02 pm at the town office. Board members in attendance were Edee Edwards, Earl Holtz, and Lewis Sumner. Others in attendance were Jessica Bruno, Brad Rafus, and Greg Marguet.

New Business

Review of Highway Orders

Edwards noted that advertising will likely be overspent, and we need to continue to try to consolidate the bids. The highway orders were signed.

EMS Survey

The Selectboard completed and submitted an EMS survey from the state. Concerns and observations related to EMS service in Halifax were noted and submitted.

Hearing of Visitors

Rafus noted that the culverts on Green River Road are installed and paving is scheduled for the second week in August.

Holtz noted that Hale Road Bridge is complete and guardrails are on. He will notify the appropriate parties.

Marguet inquired about the additional Selectboard meetings and asked whether the Selectboard should receive more money due to the additional meetings. He was advised to bring any concerns about Sselectboard salaries to the town auditors as they are responsible for setting their salaries.

Edwards reported that she received a letter of resignation from Linda Smith effective 9/1/13 from the Zoning Board and Planning Commission. The Selectboard discussed the possibility of going to a 5 person board (from 7 for the Zoning Board and Planning Commission). They will research the requirements of downsizing the board.

Edwards expressed that she felt we are missing an opportunity by not submitting a project for the Windham region CEDS. Bruno expressed that the Broadband Committee does not have enough time to submit an application that meets the requirements. Permits must be in place, permission from landowners granted, budgets must be submitted etc- it’s more than just submitting an idea for the plan.

The Selectboard reviewed correspondence and routed appropriately.

Old County North Bridge

The Selectboard discussed loads and standards for the bridge. It was agreed that the Selectboard should try and get it out to bid in December so they will have a cost for budgeting purposes.

The Selectboard still has concerns about the load limit as it is currently designed and believes it may need to be cut back to HS-20 or HS-25. Edwards and Rafus will follow up with VTrans regarding their questions concerning load limits and codes and standards. Edwards will draft a letter to Holden Engineering for Selectboard review and approval at the next regular meeting.


The meeting was adjourned at 2:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jessica Bruno

Selectboard Secretary