Town of Halifax, Vermont
May 15, 2012
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:33 PM at the town office. Board members in attendance were Lewis Sumner, Edee Edwards and Earl Holtz. Others in attendance were Jessica Bruno, Joe Tamburrino, Margo Avakian, Orrin Isles, and Mike Fournier.
Approval of Minutes
Edwards moved to accept the minutes of the April 30, 2012 special meeting as written. Holtz seconded the motion.
The motion carried 3-0, and the minutes were approved.
Edwards moved to accept the minutes of the May 1, 2012 regular meeting with a few corrections. Holtz seconded the motion.
The motion carried 3-0, and the minutes were approved.
Edwards moved to accept the minutes of the May 11, 2012 special meeting with a few corrections. Holtz seconded the motion.
The motion carried 3-0, and the minutes were approved.
New Business
River Survey Update
Holtz reported that he compiled the data from the survey and gave it to Drew Adam from USDA. Mr. Adam informed Holtz that the deadline is in August and he will work with us until that time. According to Mr. Adam, you can burn debris on the riverbank with the proper permits. He also thought that the rust colored spot that Holtz had seen during his part of the survey is not uncommon. Edwards inquired if we needed to do more mapping. Holtz thought we should try and do some more mapping and get the results to Mr. Adam. The areas of concern are the end of 112 by the tree farm/ Whitingham line 112 North Branch, and Branch Brook.
Holtz also reported that the NRCS really isn’t going to be concerned with one or two trees down. They are mostly concerned with large quantity and what could get damaged downstream.
Edwards inquired if Holtz could find out how much they want us to mark and if debris is not in the channel do they care?
Edwards also requested that Christina Moore be notified that Holtz gave that data to Drew as she is listed as the contact with NRCS. Holtz will give Moore a copy of the CD that he gave to Drew Adam.
Bridge Updates
37 Old County North Bridge
Joe Tamburrino reported that the engineering/design for bridge #37 (37 Old County North) was placed with Holden Engineering for $12,811. The Selectboard will need to get together with Holden Engineering for a preliminary meeting. They will need to see the site and then possibly continue the meeting here at the town office.
The special meeting is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday May 29, 2012 at 1:00 pm.
Weir Road Bridge
Sumner reported that he tried to contact Bob Fisher regarding Weir Road Bridge but has not been able to connect with him yet.
Reed Hill Bridge
Tamburrino reported that he received a fax from SVE associates stating that the Reed Hill bridge design and plans will be complete by the end of this week. Copies will be forwarded to the Selectboard for approval before going to bid. The bid package will be complete two weeks after approval of design. Tamburrino will call them to find out when it will go to the State for approval, and whether we have to approve it first before it goes to the State.
Deer Park Bridge
Tamburrino reported that the alternative analysis of deck will be completed this week. Cost comparisons between steel beam, wood deck, and pre-cast concrete deck to be forwarded to the Selectboard for their selection. Plans to be complete within three weeks of notice from Selectboard as to deck type. We should get this information on the deck late Friday or Monday morning. Holtz would like to confirm that the deadlines they give us reflect the State approval process.
Hale Bridge
Plans should be complete by June 1, 2012. The project bid manual could be completed by June 15, 2012 (after Selectboard approval of plan design). This paragraph on Hale Bridge from the designer seems incomplete, but Tamburrino believes two weeks after approval of design, we get the bid package.
A special meeting has tentatively been scheduled for May 25, 2012 at 3:30pm (after the FEMA meeting) to discuss bridge plans for Reed Hill and Deer Park bridges. Tamburrino will confirm the appointment with SVE Assoc.
Hearing From Visitors
Tamburrino had information that Brad Rafus wanted to bring to the Selectboard. Rafus wanted to report that sections of Branch Rd and Brook Rd need riprap due to Irene. Three foot riprap and 300 yards are needed. Our trucks can’t do it, so it will need to be delivered. Rafus felt it would be less expensive to go with the two gravel banks in town. Edwards inquired whether this is included in the Brook Road PW? Tamburrino will contact Moore regarding this issue and find out if we need to add it to the PW, or if it is a change in scope. As the cost will likely exceed $3,000, Tamburrino will put it out to bid.
Orrin Isles wanted to confirm the Selectboard has the Osbourne driveway cut permit. Sumner reported that they do have it and it will be signed tonight.
Mike Fournier had a driveway permit to hand in.
Old Business
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day is this Saturday May 19, 2012 at the town office parking lot from 1:00-2:00 pm.
Other Business
Edwards inquired whether they should ask someone to fill in for Bruno for the June 19, 2012 meeting as she will be away. It was agreed they would ask someone to fill in.
Edwards reported that she will be available via conference call for the July 3, 2012 meeting.
Edwards reported that they received a payment from the State in the amount of $29,549.99 which is partial reimbursement for a couple of small FEMA/ Irene projects. Moore has also put in a partial payment request for two other projects.
Edwards reported that she had found a schedule from the VLCT regarding the town highway aid increase that was put in the 2012 Transportation Bill, and it appears that Halifax may be eligible for an additional $5,400 (but this has not been finalized).
The mail was reviewed and appropriately filed.
Selectmen’s Order to Town Treasurer for bill payment
The order for payment of bills was completed and signed.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:01pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jessica Bruno
Selectboard Secretary