May 17, 2022
Sumner called the meeting to order at 6:01 pm. Selectboard members present were, Lewis Sumner, Pete Silverberg, and Tristan Roberts. Others in attendance in person or remotely were Cara Cheyette, Edee Edwards, David Jones, Raquel Smith, Stephen Chait, Paul and Tina Blais, Linda Lyon, Robin Gabriel, Stephan Chait, Janice Bliss and Chris Parkins, Craig Allen, Gary Rand, Linda Suransen, Andrea Rand, Patrick McAllister, and Mike Fournier.
Move unused town truck up to beginning of agenda.
Cannot approve minutes at this time.
Town Function Appointments:
Nominate Lewis Sumner for Chair. Passed 3-0.
Nominated Peter Silverberg for Vice Chair, Passed 3-0.
Secretary and Admin Assistant, Roza Podlaski nominated, Passed 3-0.
Unused Town Truck:
ATG out of Westminster, dealing with Halifax for a few trucks. Second to last vehicle they sold us was a Cabin Chasey, and didn’t realize that the drive didn’t have a special outlet in front for the pump to run hydraulics. This truck cannot be used as a plow truck. Viking equipment company does not have the right equipment to go on. SB is only authorized to spend a certain amount of money on vehicles. International trucks from 2010-2014 will no longer run and they don’t make parts for it anymore, suggesting to take it apart and sell for parts. Will send over a proposal and Haliax will send the title.
Rescue Inc. has the Thomas Hill area because Whitingham would not do it. Deerfield Valley covers the rest of Halifax. WHen both are busy, Colrain will come up. Sumner motioned to sign 3 year contract. Passed 3-0.
Franklin Land Trust Bicycle ride:
Bike race going through Halifax on Aug 20th. Will allow if they donate to the Fire Station and Deerfield Valley Rescue. Silverberg will reach out. Summer motioned we do the same as we did for the Guilford Gravel Grinder (G3) race. Passed 3-0.
Appointments continued:
Turner Luis and Caitlyn Stone appointed to the Planning Commission for 3 years, Passed 3-0.
Halifax Conservation Commission. Jessica Cooney’s 4 year term is up. Steen will talk to Jessica and check with her about continuing on the board. Will get back to us next meeting.
One position open for Celebration Committee, Patty Dow, TIna and Paul BLais, ANd Andy Rand and, Pass 3-0.
Mike Fournier appointed Road Commissioner. Passed 3-0.
Sue Kelly nominated to be reappointed tree warden. Passed 3-0.
Andy Rice nominated pound keeper. Passed 3-0.
Council on aging, no rep.
Steven Chait and Edee Edwards nominated for Windham Regional Commissioner, Passed 3-0.
Lewis Sumner and Steven Chait for Windham Solid Waste Management Rep, Passed 3-0
Loan Review Committee Allen Macy and Andy Rice,nPassed 3-0.
Robert Leek to ADA Coordinator, Passed 3-0
Wayne Forrester nominated for 911 Coordinator, 3-0.
Lewis Sumber nominated recycling coordinator. Passed 3-0.
Green Up Vermont Coordinators, Jessica Cooney and Hope Falen Passed 3-0.
Paul Blais EMD for 4 years. Passed 3-0
Andy Rice citation ticket responsibility. Passed 3-0.
Robert Leet energy conservation officer. Passed 3-0.
Andy Rice 1st constable. Passed 3-0.
Roy Richardson 2nd Constable. Passed 3-0.
Selectboard Meeting 1st and 3rd Tuesday at 6pm. Passed 3-0.
Whitneyville Rd Information:
They are happy with how the roads are now. They do not plan on doing anything for the next 5 years. We are not required to reclassify so we do not have to take on the maintenance if they decide to fix up the road. We will send him an email back stating that if he wants to update the road he needs to give us a plan before we approve it. There is a process for reclassifying roads and if they want to upgrade it, they need to get back in touch when they are ready to talk about it in detail. He does not have to bring it up to speck – but if he wants to he needs to follow up with the Town and Road Commissioner. Roza will send email response.
Casket Donation:
Someone wants to donate casket to the town. Issue is we need to store it somewhere. We have turned it down in the past. Tristan will call and let them know.
Bicycle and Pedestrian Grant Program:
Grants to make the roads friendlier for pedestrians and bicyclists. Due June 8. Will be at the next meeting.
Cemetery Commissioner:
Someone from a cemetery restoration team states that the town has 23 cemeteries or burial grounds (3-400 people). Collapsing graves, some cemeteries marked with just stones, some cracked, and some fallen over. When you have collapsed graves, you have ledges sticking out and equipment is getting ruined because of the uneven ground; some on private properties are worse because they are considered abandoned. They have cultural and historical significance. It is a shame to let them go in the state that they are in. Graves are not properly marked now. So when you go to bury someone, you are running a risk of digging up someone else’s grave.
Time consuming to cut lawns and come in with a weedwhacker next. It is not lucrative for landscapers so no one wants to maintain it. By law, the town needs to maintain the cemetery. In order to bring them back to a point, you must maintain roads that access the cemetery. Trees need to be taken down. This will take more than 5K annually to remediate.
Info Session will be held on June 11 at 10am for a walk-through of the cemetery. Start at Center cemetery, then go to Clark, and Bascom.
ARPA Funds:
$200,000 over 2 years. Must be committed by 2024 and spent by 2026. Special meeting will be held at 6pm on 24th of May to discuss the use of ARPA funds.
Mike Highway Department:
States that they are doing crack sealing now. People complaining about bridge expansion joints. There is too much height between black top and the maintenance. They cannot do plug joints, they say to do a patch. We are out of money for patch. Would like to take money out of blacktop money and get two more pallets of patches. We will have $20,000 after.
Culverts have tripled in price since last year. Prices are not going down so we should get what we can now. Will save discussion for the next meeting.
We got an award for a grant 80/20. Paperwork must be done by December 21, 2023. This is something that will get done this summer after the patches are done.
Sumner motioned to have Mike sign contract to switch over to Chloride system for dust control, Passed 3-0.
Will sell old system through bid when we get a new one.
Class 4 section of Thurber Rd, there are mud holes in road, wants approval to do filling without help from the town. No issues.
Culverts are popping up. Will lay something over it to lay it down when they can, most likely after July with the new budget.
Sumner motioned to adjourn the meeting, Passed 3-0. Meeting adjourned at pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Roza Podlaski
For the Selectboard
Recording link:
May 17, 2022 Regular Selectboard Meeting Minutes – YouTube