Town of Halifax, Vermont
November 12, 2013
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 8:19 am at the town office. Board members in attendance were Edee Edwards and Earl Holtz (Lewis Sumner was absent). Others in attendance were Jessica Bruno, Brad Rafus, Patty Dow, and John LaFlamme.
Other Business
Edwards noted that she received a call from property owners who abutt Old County North Bridge. They are displeased that there are survey markers in their yard and feel they are not informed about the bridge work affecting their property. Edwards will follow up with the engineering firm as she was not aware they were doing survey work.
Audit Proposals
Dow noted that she and the auditors reviewed the technical proposals for the town audit. Their recommendation is to go with Sullivan & Powers. Although Sullivan & Powers and Pace and Hawley were very close, they feel that due to their previous work with Sullivan & Powers the audit would be much smoother and quicker. Sullivan & Powers also had more references from towns and A-133 audits. Edwards also noted that at the VLCT Selectboard Institute, the financial folks had a list of firms that do municipal audits and they felt Sullivan & Powers was a solid firm to do the audit.
Holtz made a motion to accept the Sullivan & Powers (Montpelier, VT) proposal for audit for the town of Halifax for $15,000. Edwards seconded the motion, which passed 2-0-0.
Edwards noted that two municipal center staff are moving on- Jim Barlow and Stephanie Smith.
There was a discussion about the personnel policy. It was determined that when an employee is not required to work on a holiday, but chooses to, those hours will be counted in the calculation of overtime. It was agreed that after VLCT reviews our questions relative to the personnel policy, they will forward it to the town attorney and notify him they have adopted the policy.
Road Commissioner’s Orders
The road commissioner’s orders were reviewed and signed.
Hearing of Visitors
LaFlamme inquired why he had received a health insurance notification letter. Edwards explained that anyone receiving a stipend should be notified of the new health care system regardless of whether they are eligible for insurance through the town.
LaFlamme noted that the new router is installed, connected, and operating at the EOC. It was also noted that when more than one person is on the Internet at a time, it slows significantly. He wondered if they could limit giving out the new password. Edwards explained that anyone that is part of the EOC team should have access to the new password.
Rafus noted that the town is in possession of their new truck.
Edwards inquired whether we can rent a post hole digger for the guardrail project. Rafus explained that they really need a pounder. He’ll try and push the posts in with the excavator (he believes Keith Stone misunderstood how they were doing it hence his discussion at the 11/9 meeting). Rafus has contacted John Alexander (as the state has a pounder) to see if they will work with towns.
Rafus presented a draft winter roads policy to the Selectboard for their review at a later time.
Rafus thanked the Selectboard for all the work they put into coming up with an arrangement for the 40 hour work week.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:58am.
Respectfully submitted,
Jessica Bruno
Selectboard Secretary