Town of Halifax, Vermont

October 11, 2012


This special meeting, sponsored by Vermont Emergency Management (VEM), was to cover the Radiological Emergency Response Program (RERP) FY 2014 Budget Review. The meeting was held at the Vermont Yankee Emergency Operations Facility and Training Center at 185 Old Ferry Road in Brattleboro, Vermont, and started at 6:10 pm. Selectboard members in attendance were Edee Edwards, Earl Holtz, and Lewis Sumner. Others in attendance included VEM hosts John Angil and Laura Conway; Joe Flynn (VEM); Rich Cogliano (VEM); Herb Meyer (Guilford EMD); Dick Clark of the Guilford Selectboard (Guilford Selectboard); Glenn Herrick (Marlboro EMD), as well as WSTA radio station staff; Westminster representatives; Chris Campany of Windham Regional Commission (WRC), and representatives from Brattleboro, Guilford, Vernon, and Vermont Yankee.

This brief meeting was to review the 2014 budget submissions from EPZ towns and support agencies. Joe Flynn, Director of VEM since February, welcomed the group.  John Angil, Director of the RERP, then spoke.  He noted if there were any budgetary items we had missed, we should get them to him or Laura right away.

Upcoming meetings were listed, including a chance for local EMDs to tour Vermont Yankee.  Rich Cogliano stated that they were updating training for Selectboard members, noting where they fit into the radiological response plans.

It was offered that those present could visit the State EOC.  A question was asked about the flood resilience of that facility, which is in the Irene-flooded State Office Complexes.

Packets of information about the training courses available were given to attendees.

Chris Campany of WRC questioned whether the towns felt it beneficial for the WRC to submit interest in a Community Resilience Innovation Challenge grant for a low-tech “river monitoring system.”  Edwards stated that she felt that would be a useful activity.

After the meeting, Earl Holtz and Edee Edwards were among the participants who toured the Control Room Simulator, the Emergency Operations Facility and the Joint Information Center.

No motions were made or action taken.  The meeting adjourned at approximately 7:10 pm.

(Edwards and Holtz also rideshared to and from the meeting; no town business was discussed.)

Respectfully submitted,

Edee Edwards, Selectboard Vice Chair