Town of Halifax, Vermont
October 16, 2012
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM at the town office. Board members in attendance were Lewis Sumner, Edee Edwards, and Earl Holtz. Others in attendance were Jessica Bruno, Margo Avakian, Patty Dow, April Dupuis, Bill Moore, and Christina Moore.
New Business
Deer Park Bridge
Sumner made a motion to award the bid for the construction of Deer Park Bridge to Cold River Bridges LLC from Walpole, NH in the amount of $462,526.55. Holtz seconded the motion which carried 3-0-0.
Sumner reported the Peter Boemig from SVE would like to schedule a pre-construction meeting on Monday 10/22/12 at 2pm at the bridge site. The meeting may continue at the town office after that.
Christina Moore and the Selectboard discussed the construction oversight of the bridge work. Moore expressed her concerns about the cost and value of these services. Moore also expressed that she is not receiving the proper photographs and documentation that she needs for the completion of her projects (for FEMA and the State) when SVE provided the construction oversight of the other bridge. The Selectboard will review SVE’s construction oversight proposal and have them explain what the costs are. They will also discuss with them what the Selectboard’s expectations are and discuss Moore’s concerns with them at the pre-construction meeting.
Update on Town Audit
April Dupuis and Patty Dow reported on the town’s requirements for the town audit. Dupuis reported that if a town spends over $500k in federal money, they are required to have a single audit. You can either have a full blown financial statement audit or you can choose to have a program specific audit if you received federal money from only one program (one CFDA #). A financial statement audit costs about $12-15k. a program specific audit costs about $3-4k. This year we could do a program specific audit, but next year we may need a full financial statement audit as we received money from more than one funding source. Dupuis believes it may be difficult to find a CPA that can complete the audit by the March 31 deadline, but you can apply or an extension. Dupuis explained that she would not be able to perform the audit herself as it is a conflict due to lack of independence. Dow suggested putting the audit out to bid so that we can see if someone can perform the audit before the deadline.
Edwards made a motion that the town treasurer and the town auditor prepare a request for a proposal for a program specific audit so we can go out to bid.
There was no second to that motion.
Edwards made a motion that the Town of Halifax do a program specific audit to meet our FEMA requirements. Holtz seconded the motion which carried 3-0-0.
Edwards made a motion that we put the program specific audit out to bid and ask the town treasurer and town auditor to prepare a request for proposal for that program specific audit. Sumner seconded the motion which carried 3-0-0.
Approval of Minutes
Sumner moved to accept the minutes of the October 2, 2012 regular meeting with a small correction. Holtz seconded the motion.
The motion carried 3-0-0, and the minutes were approved.
Sumner moved to accept the minutes of the October 11, 2012 special meeting as written. Holtz seconded the motion.
The motion carried 3-0-0, and the minutes were approved.
New Business Continued
Update on Reed Hill Bridge
Sumner reported that they got the deck on the bridge and they are grouting it. It is possible that the bridge may be completed by the end of next week.
Regular Meeting Date Change
The next regular meeting will be held on Thursday November 1, 2012 at 6:30pm at the town office due to election day.
Hearing of Visitors
Holtz reported that he had spoken to VT State trooper Favreau regarding dog issues and bridge overweight vehicle issues. Favreau said that the state police do not typically get involved with dog license issues. He does have a few troopers that could help with the issue of overweight vehicles crossing the bridge, but the Dept of Motor Vehicles should typically handle that.
The Selectboard received a list of unlicensed dogs from Patty Dow. Edwards presented an article from the VLCT. It noted that the Selectboard can issue a warrant as prescribed by law to police, constables, pound keepers, or animal control officers to impound dogs. A search warrant would be required if the dog owner does not willingly give up their dog. Edwards also noted that the Selectboard does have the option of waving the dog license fee upon showing proof of current vaccination and financial hardship.
Edwards noted that a citizen had sent information to the Selectboard regarding the dangers of rabies. Another citizen provided a list of rabies clinics in the area.
Edwards will draft a letter to the citizens who have unlicensed dogs.
There was a brief discussion on whether we should hold a rabies vaccination clinic in town.
Holtz reported that he has a meeting on Friday with Fish & Wildlife regarding the beaver issue. Holtz also reported that Drew Adam is taking an agricultural position in Afghanistan, so we will have a new point person for USDA river debris issues.
Edwards reported that our Palmer, MA proponent of the central rail coalition is asking about getting on the town warrant. Edwards noted that it would be nice if we had a page on how to submit an item for the town warrant.
Edwards shared a flyer on a Yaktrax discount for municipal employees. The Selectboard will ask Patty Dow to make the town employees aware of the offer and collect orders.
Old Business
Other Business
The mail was reviewed and appropriately filed.
Selectmen’s Order to Town Treasurer for bill payment
The order for payment of bills was completed and signed.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:29 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jessica Bruno
Selectboard Secretary