September 17, 2024



The meeting of the Selectboard was called to order by Edee Edwards at 6:01 PM. Other Selectboard Members present were Karen Christofferson, Rhonda Ashcraft, and Randy Pike. Others present online or in person were David Jones, Stephanie Pike, Mary Brewster, Nancy McCrea, and Bob Leete.



Order of meeting adjusted to accommodate agenda items.



  • September 3, 2024 Selectboard Regular Meeting Minutes motion made to accept meeting minutes by Pike, seconded by Christofferson, motion carried 4-0.)
  • August 12, 2024 Selectboard Special Meeting Minutes (6:09pm) motion made to accept meeting minutes by Christofferson, seconded by Ashcraft, motion carried 3-0, 1 abstention by Pike.
  • August 20, 2024 Selectboard Regular Meeting Minutes (6:18pm) motion made to accept meeting minutes by Edwards, seconded by Pike, motion carried 4-0.
  • September 5, 2024 Selectboard Special Meeting Minutes (6:19pm) motion made to accept meeting minutes by Christofferson, seconded by Pike, motion carried 4-0.
  • July 2, 2024 Selectboard Regular Meeting Minutes (revisit/Cheyette comments) Edwards reviewed request by Cara Cheyette to revise notes to document nuances of Class 4 road permitted activities. Edwards clarified that improvements to be made are to be approved by Selectboard. (6:24am). Motion made to change meeting minutes by Edwards, seconded by Christofferson, motion carried 4-0.



Sheriff coverage during Nov. 5 election (6:25pm) (2 minutes)

Edwards reported that Patty Dow said school wants Sheriff present if the school was open. The school will be closed for the day. Edwards asked if we would like the Sheriff to be a presence that day noting that Dow reflected that there may be less foot traffic due to more mail in ballots. Pike does not feel the need for the Sheriff, Ashcraft agreed. Pike noted we are in a rural area, if it were a city that might be a different story. Christofferson was in favor of the Sheriff’s presence as a precautionary measure.  A discussion ensued. Christofferson asked if school is normally closed for town meetings. Edwards noted security is a concern as the current climate of the world. Christofferson and Edwards would like to probe if the Sheriff is available for some time that day. Edwards leaving it open that we don’t feel the need, but if the Sheriff is around we won’t ask them to leave.

Municipal Energy Resilience Program (MERP) Update (3 minutes)

(6:29pm) Edwards noted an email from Roberts. Due date is September 27th. Webinar Friday September 27th. While initially told garage roof is not eligible, we have been told that the garage is eligible for MERP grant. We can put in a grant. Tristan can look at the energy report but is asking for help with the task. Edwards reflected that it seems like a shot in the dark with little return. The grant seems to focus on electric car charging. Edwards is asking if Tristan is willing to look into it, go ahead. Pike thinks it would be wise to see if the garage could benefit from it, but lacks time to take the lead. Energy audit would show what the grant people want us to do. The time necessary to put those project into a grant within deadline is problematic for the selectboard members given other priorities.

June 18, 2024 – Bid process updates (4 minutes)

(6:34pm) Ashcraft called Peckam (spoke to Dan), they asked for a follow up email, as did Renaud. Mitchells got the bid. North East Paving no contact information. Zuluzni left message they got the bid. Delta Sand and Gravel Inc was on the bid sheet, but did not submit a bid. Christofferson noted she will be sending followup emails to respondents.


Review FY24 year-end financials (20 minutes)

(6:36pm) Edwards noted that the board has not looked at financial data, and with new members we should look at it. The board can get an annual profit and loss, cash basis, to look over. Christofferson and McAllister did previously review a P&L, but there is still work to do.

Edwards shared screen with P&L Statement. Edwards wants to know if there was a profit or a loss for FY24. $4.133mill was town revenue for FY24. Section of Gross Profit which is revenue to the town garage, possibly grant money. Total income of $4.7 mil includes FEMA repairs done last year, some $ towards Pike road. $300k to paving, excess funds from tax sale, $72K total of salaries under the Selectboard budget, bridge construction 25% was paid to AS Clark who did the work. We partially paid, but need to finish. Environmental Expenses (includes recycling) $18,600. Highway Dept salaries and wages $303k. $159k benefits, $27.5k garage expenses,

$101K on stone, $222k gravel, $23.7K cold patches, total road supplies and applications $883k, etc.

$79K equipment financing, used ARPA to purchase equipment. Replace chipper, plow/grater edges $90,456 of ARPA $. Needed to spend that $ before the FY ended.

Christofferson noted there is a tab in the budget analysis with an itemized list showing what ARPA/SLRF (state and local fiscal recovery) monies have been used for since receiving the grant. Christofferson noted there will be one more federal reporting exercise to finish showing how the grant funds were spent. Christofferson noted we need to ask for Fire Department, Historical Society and Community Hall for receipts showing the use of funds. Edwards noted there is 1 year from the last reporting day, so around March is the reporting period.

Edwards noted that over $2 million spent by Highway Dept.

Edwards noted that last year was a deficit $124,443.09 due to the problem of not collecting enough tax $180k was asked to be included in FY25 to cover deficit. We came in $60K more than expected, borrowed $65K from Scott Fund. The deficit was less than expected due to the unexpected timing when FEMA funds that came in.

Jones asked if the budget & financial statements were prepared on a cash or accrual basis. Christofferson noted the budget is cash, and audited financial statements are set up on a modified accrual. We don’t have a current balance sheet, which Christofferson believes is an issue with banks. Edwards reflected that we have used cash basis for some time. This budget season we would like to modify the system we are using to not use Quickbooks, but use Excel instead which is more user friendly for more people. For the next audit, board members should understand the balance sheet. Treasurer will have to enter accrual items to help with audit. Christofferson noted that we have had help from Jessica with the accrual entries. Christofferson noted that the board may want to reach out to Jessica to make the FY24 accrual entries as doing so in advance of the audit reduces costs. Christofferson will speak with Treasurer about accruals for FY24.

Basic elements of our compensation and performance package (10 minutes)

(7:01pm) Highway wages overview from FY2025 budget (5 minutes)

Edwards explained that we put in an increase for highway wage increase last year of 9.18%. This included a $5K stipend that used to be for the road commissioner, but it was reallocated to the highway supervisor position as the job is his. Overall there was a 5% increase in wages FY24. Wage increases have varied through the years. Board historically consults VLCT to see what the standard wage increase is. The Board has to decide on how to award raises. It could be a straight percentage, or based individually upon performance. Christofferson described to the new board members the worksheet created calculate and discuss increases using specific variables.

Performance reviews and wage increases should occur be more closely together. Reviews are done in July.

Compensation package also includes health care. Edwards asked Treasurer to provide new information about plans we can offer. Currently the Town offers BCBS insurance Premium level health care plan. Edwards showed the BCBS plan brochure and noted her her expectation that we should expect double digit increases in the coming year.  Edwards further noted that Roberts had provided comparables for last years discussion. Christofferson suggested that the Board should try to calculate what the benefits equate to in hourly wages. Some employees may then want to take the “hourly” and purchase their own. Edwards was unsure if we could do that, or to notify employees that the benefits are part of the package.

Leete asked if the Town of Halifax is the only town in the “pool”. Edwards replied that the plan is offered to all municipal employees in the state.

Lister wage increase (10 minutes)

(7:15pm) Edwards noted that the $25 per hour is the current Lister rate. Edwards believes we should follow the same wage increase process for Listers as highway employees. Edwards recalled that we began with a $30K budget, but during the process of budget fine tuning some funds could be found somewhere else. Listers put in 750 hours of work last year. FY25 hours assumed to be 1000 hours. Patty believes they will be able to complete the work. Concern was expressed that other positions we are trying to fill come in at a lower hourly wage than Listers.

Brewster explained that the town currently has 2 listers doing the work of 3 people, Patty Dow is signing off so that we save the town money. This has been happening for 8 years, so a pay increase is a valid request. Christofferson reviewed prior budgets and expenditures for FY24 as a $26k budget, spent $14K. Budget included seminars, but they are not always attended. Brewster noted that seminars have been attended due to technology changes in software.

Edwards made a motion to increase the lister wage for FY25 to $25 per hour (was $20/hour previously) Christofferson seconded, motion carries 4-0.

Revisit Selectboard priorities (20 minutes)

(7:25pm) Edwards send out most recent iteration of Selectboard priorities for town projects. Edwards shared her screen showing:

  • Website redesign- 2014 was last created site
  • Financial accounting system need
  • Update policies and procedures for accounting, and HR- update from VLCT templates for highway crew, State or Federal holidays
  • Paul Blais town emergency response
  • Status sharing equipment
  • PFAS monitoring
  • Town garage work & funding
  • WiFi Hotspot at town garage decommissioning for Town use due to new one at Community Hall
  • DVFiber landline? Or keep Consolidated landline
  • Long term road maintenance plan, priorities for culverts, (bridges are separate from this)
  • Gravel study
  • Park with a pavilion
  • Animal control ordinance
  • Cell coverage- Bi-annual mapping occurring to show dead spots
  • Water quality in the village- sediment?
  • Excavator replacement, loader replacement
  • Driveway ROW permit/form, and ordinance
  • FY26 budget planning
  • March 2026 Town Meeting preparations
  • Winter road closure- Portion of Pennel Hill Road due to safety concerns- Mary Brewster noted this may affect house/property values.
  • Filling Admin Assistant & Highway employee

Edwards asked each member of Selectboard to provide his/her Top Priorities. Results were (i) Edwards – Filling Admin Assistant position, (ii) Christofferson- Long term road maintenance plan, Highway and Road ordinance, ROW form, DVFiber work, (iii) Pike-Excavator purchase or refurbishment, (iv) Ashcraft- website redesign

Driveway/ROW ordinance for underground conduit (20 minutes)

(7:47pm) Christofferson circulated a sample order from Middlebury she had received from Windham Regional as a sample. Edwards thinks it was overkill. Christofferson explained that Ordinances for roads must be specific for multiple situations, specifying stipulations, responsible parties, fees that could be assessed, etc. Christofferson proposed to create convert file to a word doc to assist in the discussion with the town lawyer. Edwards can discuss what other towns are doing when she attends the town meeting.

Jones recommended before anything is sent to the lawyer send the ordinance to a local contractor to ensure realistic expectations. He spoke to Keith Thompson (DVFiber) regarding this. The Town of Whitingham has only had one situation they had to reflect their ordinances.

Christofferson reflected that the need for an ordinance is vital to protect the town, and set standards. Paved roads must be bored to “cross”, state roads require a permit for this.

Leete asked who would be the responsible party to approve the work has met the ordinance. Edwards answered that it is the highway supervisor who would sign off on the project completions.

Jones reported that he added words to the DVFiber contract for road work on unpaved roads so that the contractor is responsible to put the road back to its original state.


(8:00pm) Leete sent a letter to the board bringing up an issue that occurred last month with his property. Leete described a situation where the driveway from 849 McMillan Road was improved, and it washed out onto his property. He contacted Mike Fournier about the issue. He then saw Keith repairing the driveway, delivered 3 dump truck loads. Leete noted that a previous selectboard from 2001 noted if the Town fixes one driveway then they should fix others. Leete is asking for the Town to deliver 3 loads of gravel to his driveway. Christofferson wants to know what work was done on a town persons’ driveway. Leete claims that Mike and Keith grated the entire 100 foot driveway. Leete reported that he had been pleased with the work the highway department did in 2021.  Edwards recommended the Selectboard do a site visit.  Pike and Ashcraft will go to the site with Fournier. Leete left the meeting.

Jones reported that he has sent out 75 letter to Halifax senior residents, and posted flyers to see if there is interest in having DVFiber at their property. He would like reimbursement for a couple hundred dollars of costs. He will submit receipts to the board.

Edwards received a letter regarding privacy addressed to Broadband Committee for them to consider.

OTHER BUSINESS (5 minutes)

(8:11pm) Edwards warned others about cybersecurity awareness. There are many scams out there and to be careful. Know who you are talking to, be alert to fishing emails. Edwards described a situation where a Town employee received a phishing email.


Truck warranty- 5500

The new truck waiting to be picked up. Board needs to pick the warranty. Deductible options $0, $100, $250. Christofferson asked what the financing options are for the 5500 truck, and who is the loan with. Truck was ordered a year ago with AutoMall in Brattleboro. Truck was supposed to be picked up a while ago. Fournier has been trying to get information from Automall. Christofferson will speak with Fournier and Treasurer to try and help close the loop. A discussion of warranty terms and deductibles ensued.

(8:23pm) Motion made to have truck warranty of a  $0 deductible with cost of $5,542 by Christofferson, seconded by Edwards, motion carried 4-0.  Edee will send an email to Fournier and Treasurer.


(8:25pm) Edwards read the aggregate amount for orders of $231,728.12.


Edwards made a motion to go into Executive Session under 1 VSA § 313(A)(3). Moved by Edwards, seconded by Ashcraft, and the motion carried 4-0. The recording was stopped at 8:46pm.

(9:21pm) Edwards brought meeting out of executive session. No decisions were made.

The board would like to meet with the highway crew on Wednesday September 25th at 6am.


(9:22pm) Motion was made by Christofferson to adjourn, seconded by Ashcraft, motion carried 4-0.

Recording was stopped.

Respectfully submitted by Stephanie Pike, Secretary Pro Tempore

YouTube Recording: