Town of Halifax, Vermont



September 20, 2011

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM.  Board members in attendance were John LaFlamme, Lewis Sumner, and Edee Edwards.  Others in attendance were Nicholas Bartenhagen, Margaret Bartenhagen, Margo Avakian, Carol Wright, Emma Wright, Joe Tamburrino, Bradley Rafus, Peggy Webber, Everett Wilson, Orrin Isles, Nathan Isles, Ray White, Timothy Putnam, Peter LaFogg, Joan LaFogg, Marilyn Allen, and Board Secretary Phyllis Evanuk.

Approval of Minutes

Mr. Sumner moved to accept the minutes of the September 6, 2011 meeting as written.

            Ms. Edwards made two additions for clarification and seconded the motion.

The motion carried 3-0, and the minutes were approved. with the amendments.


            Mr. LaFlamme moved to accept the minutes of the September 7, 2011 emergency meeting with the correction of the date.

            Ms. Edwards seconded the motion as amended.

The motion carried 3-0 and the minutes were approved as amended.


            Mr. Sumner moved to approve the minutes of the special meeting on September 16, 2011 as written.

            Mr. LaFlamme noted the first motion in the minutes should be clarified to show price included delivery. With that clarification he seconded the motion which carried 3-0.


            Ms. Edwards moved to approve the minutes of the September 8, 2011 special meeting with the removal of one sentence.

 Mr. Sumner noted a correction in the day of a meeting from Wednesday to Friday and seconded the motion which carried 3-0.

New Business

  1. Update of flooding recovery progress.  Mr. Rafus gave a progress report; Thomas Hill region is back in shape, Moss Hollow, most of Hatch, one half of Tony Hanson, and Butterfield Road are done, and the lower end of Green River Road is open to the four houses so no one is stranded there any longer. Bridge 17 is open. He advised they are continuing work on lower Green River Road.  Mr. LaFlamme advised that the lower part of Deer Park is still closed, the end of Amidon Road is closed, and the middle of Stowe Mountain, and Green River Road is not a through road.  Hale Road at the Guilford line is closed and Reed Hill at the Bridge near the Post Office.

The next step is to have hydraulic and engineering studies completed for the bridges. It was noted that because they hope to receive federal money to pay for the major part of these repairs and reconstruction they are carefully following the requirements that FEMA has outlined.

The EOC has been closed.  Phone calls go through the Town Clerk or Lewis Sumner.

Mr. Sumner advised that FEMA is supposed to be here soon but the exact date and time is not known at this time.

Questions regarding a time frame for the Deer Park Bridge were raised.  Concerns about the winter situation for plowing and parking issues for the residents on the lower section of Deer Park were expressed.  The Board is aware of the concerns and is looking at possible solutions.

  1. Everett Wilson, road damage inventory.  Mr. Wilson passed out a sheet showing the results of the road condition survey.  The amounts of fill needed to fix the damaged roads are listed in cubic yards (the total for the roads = 161,182 cubic yards) but this does not include the additional fill that will be needed to connect roads to the bridges.  Mr. Wilson thanked the people who assisted in gathering the information, Bill Moore, John LaFlamme, and Ross Barnett.  Ms. Edwards noted that Gretchen Becker had gone out with Bill Moore one day and should be included in the thanks. A copy of his report is included with the minutes.
  2. Flood recovery project manager. The Board discussed what the job description is for the position, as the title of project manager means different things to different members.  Mr. Sumner advised that the title is one that FEMA has given the position.

Ms. Edwards moved to approve the appointment of Christina Moore as Flood Recovery Project Manager at the rate of $20 per hour.

Mr. Sumner seconded the motion which carried 3-0.

It was noted that the position will end when the FEMA projects are completed.

  1. Purchasing policy. The Board reviewed and discussed the model purchasing policy from VLCT and after some discussion set the dollar amounts that should be used to trigger the need for bids.  The amounts were set at a figure that would allow the maintenance and repair of equipment at the town garage, by requiring bids for parts.

Mr. LaFlamme moved to adopt the model purchasing policy on an interim basis with $2,999.99 as the purchase limit without prior authorization, and $3,000.00 or more requiring the bid process, and $3,000.00 as the maximum recurring expenses with an effective date of September 20, 2011.

Ms. Edwards seconded the motion, which carried 3-0.

  1. Bank run and crushed gravel purchase.

Mr. Rafus advised that the amounts required depends on how the Board plans to do it.

Depending on which projects they want him to do, he may or may not need additional gravel.

The Board tabled this for the time being.

  1. Rental of backhoe equipment.

Mr. Rafus advised that in order to clean out the culverts before winter he would like to rent a small backhoe.  He advised he hoped he would not need it for more than a month, and the cost including transportation is $3250 per month.

Mr. Sumner moved to rent a backhoe from Nortrax at $3250 per month.

Ms. Edwards seconded the motion which carried 3-0.


  1. Hydraulic Study bid request. This item continued until more information is available.
  2. Design Engineer bid request. This item continued until more information is available.
  3. Bid request for Transport Ambulance Service.

Mr. LaFlamme advised that the town is required to provide ambulance service to the town, in the event that something should happen to change the current arrangement, if coverage was put out to bid the town would be better able to quickly arrange for coverage.  Ms. Edwards advised that they should meet with the current providers and the Whitingham Selectboard.

Mr. LaFlamme moved to meet with WASI, to contact the Whitingham Selectboard, and to also put the service out to bid for possible future coverage.

Ms. Edwards seconded the motion which carried 3-0. 

  1. Reimbursement rate for EOC staff and volunteers.

The rate has not been officially stated in the past by the Selectboard.

Mr. Sumner moved to set the rate of reimbursement at $12.50 per hour for those EOC volunteers who wish to be reimbursed.

Ms. Edwards seconded the motion which carried 3-0.

It was noted that each person would be contacted to verify if they would like reimbursement or want to be listed as a volunteer.  Those who volunteer are credited by FEMA toward the town’s remaining 25%.

  1. Options for repairing Green River Road.

Mr. Sumner suggested waiting until they meet with FEMA to see if they can get approval to move the road.

Ms. Edwards moved to widen Green River Road if approved by FEMA in order to mitigate future problems.

Mr. Sumner seconded the motion which carried 3-0.

  1. National Flood Insurance Program. Mrs. Bartenhagen advised that she had received information on the NFIP and she distributed information to the Board for their review. She further advised that WRC can assist if needed. Ms. Edwards will call regarding this program and it will be discussed under old business at the next meeting.
  2.  Acquisitions Officer compensation.  This item was not included on the agenda, but the Board agreed to address it at this time.


Ms. Edwards moved to pay Joseph Tamburrino $16.00 per hour in his capacity as Acquisitions Officer during the flooding recovery process. 

Mr. LaFlamme seconded the motion which carried 3-0.


Hearing of Visitors

No comments

Old Business


Other Business



The mail was reviewed and appropriately filed.

Selectmen’s Order to Town Treasurer for bill payment

The order for payment of bills was completed and signed.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:21 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Phyllis H. Evanuk
