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Hi, folks, the link here is the official warning (or notice) for the Special Town Meeting we are holding on August 13, 2024, including the open positions and articles, and a sample ballot:

Special Town Meeting Warning and Sample Ballot 2024-08-13

I anticipate a few questions, so here’s an attempt to answer them:

  • There is no “meeting” per se with any floor votes because everything must be voted on by an “Australian ballot” which means a paper ballot. See the sample in the link above.
  • The meeting (or actually the voting) location is the Halifax Elementary School LIBRARY this time.
  • We will have an Informational Meeting with in person and remote options. Date and location is being finalized.
  • This is being held at the same time as the State Primary election.
  • Contact the Town Clerk about the voting process–getting registered, getting an absentee ballot, or the like.

Write-in campaigns for the open seats are a great way to get involved in our town’s service to our fellow citizens, and there’s at least one underway. Reach out with questions to the Town Clerk or Selectboard members.


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