November 19, 2024




The meeting of the Selectboard was called to order by Edee Edwards at 6:00 PM. Other Selectboard Members present were Tristan Roberts, Rhonda Ashcraft, Karen Christofferson and Randy Pike. Others present online or in person were Stephanie Pike, Nancy McCrea, Tia Anderson, Becky Wright, Steven Chait, David Jones, Rachel Shields Ebersole (BDCC), and  Kyle Farnsworth.



Shift order:  BDCC representative not present yet.


  • MERP Grant Award
    • Roberts reported that our application has been accepted. We have until December 16th to accept the funds. The grant totals $28644 to weatherize town garage, per their estimate of the work needed to be completed. He has a questions about ADA requirements. Edwards commented on how the grant also requires high speed internet be available.  The Selectboard should ensure DVFiber is set up at the garage. She thanked Roberts for his perseverance on getting the grant. We will have to put the work out to bid, if we accept it after understanding the ADA requirements.
    • The town did receive $4000 prior to the grant for energy efficiency work; this was put towards the garage roof leak repair, which included insulation.
    • 20% of the grant may need to be designated to ADA requirements.
  • BDCC/SeVEDS Southeastern Vermont Economic Development Strategies (Rachel Shields Ebersole)
    • BDCC – Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation is requesting a funding request to be placed into town meeting warrant. The same request was submitted and voted in by the town last year.
    • The organization is the official economic development agency for our region
    • Request from town is to assist paying for items that Federal funding does not cover.
    • Examples of programs run by BDCC – High school student career path exploration and planning, municipally focused programs to strengthen town government.
    • Edwards asked about if the organization could help facilitate specific needs such as community involvement, development of town trails policies, animal control ordinance, support to people new or reentering to the job market (resume building). Would this incur an additional cost? Rachel responded that those projects are something they can help with, and there is generally no additional cost.
    • Dec 2 & 9 they are having a workshop for building non-profit boards.
  • Revised loan documents (F5500 truck)
    • Nov 5 a check arrived, not the expected wire transfer.
    • Patty Dow is depositing the funds.
    • 2 documents require a post-closing change of date and revised signatures.
  • Minor revision to position descriptions
    • Road Commissioner
    • Administrative Assistant to the Selectboard
      • Edwards requested approval for mostly editorial changes to job descriptions after sharing them.
      • Christofferson made a motion to accept changes to job descriptions, seconded by Ashcraft. Motion carries 5-0.
  • Update on FY24 spend for budget meeting preparations
    • Christofferson noted which tabs are updated. She will add some columns to reflect what is being spent currently. She will continue to update specific information to the town equipment.
    • Edwards asked about surplus deficit page, and her concern about that carrying onto FY 2025. Christofferson agreed to keeping things on cash basis.
  • Highway Ordinance update plans
    • Edwards explained that there have been previous discussions about a highway ordinances, in particular to ensure town roads are repaired according to our specifications after underground work is completed.
    • Town counsel suggested having an ordinance allows the town to enforce, as opposed to a policy.
    • Christofferson is working on getting another example for the town to use and base our ordinance upon.
  • Driveway/Right of Way/Trail Permit form updates
    • Town counsel was consulted in updating the driveway permit. Selectboard would like the form to include specific pieces of information; move “Right-of-way” in title; include wording “work within any part of the town right of way”; increase cost to $35 as in the fee schedule; insert “prior” before “to commencing” as the permit must be obtained before work is started; some grammatical error corrections; collecting email addresses; adding clarifying questions about the type of use; adding other clarifying information about the site (road frontage, access by easement, type of road); attached addendums; add detail to who is completing the work; final inspection dates and when the permit is valid through; responsible party to notify when work is complete is the Highway Supervisor.
    • Christofferson suggested to add addendums to paved and unpaved roads like they asked for the Green Mountain Power work.
    • The final version will be given to town counsel to look over before complete.
    • Steven Chait asked for her to send the new form to the Conservation Commission and also to Tom Fox of the Planning Commission. They are meeting January 14th.
    • David Jones commented that an alternative language to clarify if the work within the right of way. Also asking the individual to include the road class may be problematic for them, possibly ask for address. He suggests that once the permit is issued that does not require additional approval, that is what the permit does. Then later the Selectboard can inspect and enforce if requirement is met.
    • Edwards noted that asking for an individual to include road type helps the Selectboard to grant permits in a timelier manner. Edwards asked for feedback if town trails should be included in this form.
    • Steven Chait offered some suggestions to help increase clarity for both the individual and Selectboard.
    • Discussion continued if the form should include work within a right-of-way including if a landowner has to plow their “driveway” which is a class 4 road that the town does not plow.
  • Trees near mailboxes at Amidon & Jacksonville Stage
    • There are some trees that neighbors are concerned could fall and damage mailboxes, and would the town remove the trees.
    • The highway supervisor inspected the trees and did not see a hazard, or concern for the road safety, and did not feel the town needs to remove them.
    • Christofferson and Ashcraft agree that this is not something that the road crew needs to take care of. In addition to the information received is from a third party, not the individual directly. Edwards will let the person know that if they want to pursue this they should come to the meeting.


  • Possible executive session – confidential attorney-client communications
    • Edwards does not feel there is a need for an executive session for this topic, as it has been discussed in a previous open meeting.
  • Stark Mountain Road work
    • Edwards updated the status of the issue. The owner completed work without a permit. Edwards requested multiple times that the individual fill out a permit for the work completed. There has not been a response towards complying. Counsel advised that Selectboard send a letter stating the individual needs to submit a permit by a specific date and if they are noncompliant then the request will be handled through the court.
    • Edwards noted that each member took an oath of office. Repairing the issue could cost other taxpayers’ money. She recommends the board sends the letter to the individual.
    • Roberts expressed his gratitude to Edwards in handling this situation honorably.
    • Christofferson noted that work had been done and something was later redone. She suggested that a site visit should be done by a third party such as VTRANS or Windham Regional as they are the experts, to assess that the driveway work complies with road requirements. Another issue is there are some trees across the road that may be removed to further assist in safety of the road. We should be moving towards resolution due to the time of year, and plowing of roads will begin soon.
    • Edwards answered that the trees can be removed by the highway crew, and they can do the work as they have time. However, she noted this does not change the need to address the work done on the other side of the road. She asked the board their ideas on sending a letter to the individual.
    • Pike reflected on doing things the “neighborly way” is the first step, but the driveway and road work needs to be compliant to the standards.
    • Christofferson made a motion to sign the letter and have final review by town counsel, seconded by Ashcraft. Motion carries 5-0.
  • Excavator/Loader – bid update
    • Christofferson sent the bids out and they should be reviewed at the next Selectboard meeting.
  • Update on Hatch School Road pre-bid meeting
    • This bid will also be reviewed at the next meeting.
    • Today at 12:30 there was a site visit by Mike Fournier, Christofferson, and Ashcraft, multiple companies also visited the site.
    • Beaver Deceiver must be moved out of the way prior to the work, with 2 weeks’ notice.
    • The work will affect a landowner, who was understanding and cooperative to the necessary changes which will create the need for an easement.
    • Edwards asked if the state was involved, to which Christofferson responded that they were, and a hydrology study was conducted.


  • Deer Park Road Trash
    • Rebecca Wright of Deer Park Road is concerned with trash being dumped over a bank (toilet, furniture, mattress) near the top of the road. They don’t have the ability or funds to take care of the trash. She asked the board for help. There has been some other trash dumped previously.
    • Kyle remarked that game cameras were set up along Butterfield Road at a dump site where a hot water heater, mattresses were left. Diana Todd is the landowner. The cameras picked up a truck, and male driver dumping the remnants of an animal carcass. If someone is willing to pay for the disposal he can get the trash.
    • Rebecca is sending Kyle the pictures of the trash.
    • DRP7211 is believed to be the parcel on Deer Park where the trash has been left, with the exception of the toilet and sink which are at the bottom of Deer Park.
  • Aldrich Road town maintenance
    • Tia Anderson of Aldrich Road. She previously spoke to Selectboard regarding a segment of the road that is not maintained by the town. Edwards noted that there was a utility pole in the way and no turn around for trucks. Her property is in Whitingham, and they closed part of Aldrich Rd to McMillan so the only access to some properties are only through Halifax.
    • Christofferson asked if we could petition the other town to reclassify. Edwards thinks that having a conversation with Whitingham, and our highway supervisor could be the board’s next steps.
    • Tia clarified that she is asking the town to plow to the town line. The road maintenance is a concern, and she feels is not her responsibility as they don’t live in Halifax. Edwards answered that the town concern still stands that there is no turn around.
    • Christofferson asked if there are any Halifax residents on the road. Tia answered that there was at 745 with the last name Bruno. Christofferson reflected that the town road crew is functioning with one less person. Tia asked if any gravel could be delivered.
    • Edwards suggests that the road commissioners discuss this with the Highway Supervisor. The board may also want to consider reclassifying the road.
  • Kyle has not received the citation ticket books yet, but noted it is a long process.
  • Steven Chait asked for the board to email him the revised driveway permit, and also send it to the Planning Commission.


  • 8:01 motion made to accept meeting minutes as amended by Christofferson, seconded by, Pike, motion carried 4-0-1, Roberts abstaining.
  • 8:11 motion made to accept meeting minutes by Edwards, seconded by Ashcraft, motion carried 5-0.
  • Final approval is postponed due to a segment not recorded in the minutes about VHS tapes being dumped. Board will review the recording.



  • Storage tank rental agreement: Noting that Fournier signed a 3-year agreement for a storage tank for chloride that obligates the town to obtain a certain amount of chloride per year from the vendor.
  • Trash notice near Deer Park Bridge (covered above)
  • We got one applicant through Indeed just today. Resume will be shared with Fournier.
  • Complementary email received about the road crew from a resident.


The Selectboard order was reviewed and signed, totaling $20,294.50.

$14K roughly was for overpayment of taxes.

Discussion was held about a sizable vet bill from an injured stray dog that our animal control officer had captured. The dog has now been placed at WCHS.

Roberts left the meeting at approximately 8:34 PM


Edwards made a motion to adjourn. Pike seconded. Motion carried 4-0. It was 8:37 PM.


Respectfully submitted by Stephanie Pike, Secretary Pro Tempore

Meeting recording: