October 15, 2024




The meeting of the Selectboard was called to order by Edee Edwards at 6:00 PM. Other Selectboard Members present were Tristan Roberts, Rhonda Ashcraft, Karen Christofferson and Randy Pike. Others present online or in person were GMP guest Tim Jones, Stephanie Pike, Nancy McCrea, Robert Leete, Stephen Chait, Doug and Marilou Parkhurst, Sue Kelly, Jack Rosetti, Jeff Putnam.


Talk about town garage roof deposit in old business

Road Commissioner business- Stark Mountain Rd


  • GMP–Fowler and Aldrich electric (partial) underground project (15 minutes)

New maps sent by GMP showing continued progress. Jones reported he appreciates the help the town has provided. The trenching will end mid-November. Over the winter, crews will do line work, terminating and energizing.

Pike asked Mike F. how things look with the roads work has been completed on, to which he responded that any issues brought up with GMP have been resolved. Christofferson asked if the ROW easements had been secured. The answer was yes.

Edwards asked about work done on a specific road could be an issue due to pole availability. Jones responded that Mike F. and Keith Stone will meet with him to look over the possibility of moving a pole.

Selectboard approved the continued work for the project, based on the past permissions granted.

  • Health Officer action request (Kelly –10 minutes)

Sue Kelly provided a cover letter citing the statutes in operation. She commented that she has not needed to have many meetings with the Selectboard (only 2 meetings in 20 years), and will refer to the State Board of Health more often. This situation was one that she wanted everyone involved due to the issue of the concern of reprisal. Kelly wants more signatures to decrease the risk for one person.

The situation can also be useful to inform the board of the role Kelly has in the town as Health Officer.

If compliance does not occur a health order may need to be completed as next steps.

Christofferson prior to the meeting emailed questions to Edwards who shared with Kelly. The complaint specifically noted their eyes water and burn. Kelly stated household trash is what is burned.

Christofferson asked if prior actions had been taken to resolve the issue. Both constables did visit the property and the burning stopped for a little while, but began again. Kelly reflected that often people do comply after a letter is sent.

Rosetti asked if state police could be involved and Kelly responded with her preference for voluntary compliance.

Edwards asked if the letter is part of public record, and it was confirmed to be so. Kelly noted that she also called around and confirmed with others that what was reported had occurred.

The board approved to sign the letter. Patty Dow will send it certified mail, with return receipt.

  • All Wheel Drive package for Truck 3 (Pennel Hill)–$42K– (20 minutes)

Mike F. provided information to equip a truck to plow. This would provide better, safer options for plowing Pennel Hill Rd. The current truck used does have tire chains. This was not put into the budget, so the board will need to decide how to pay for the package.

Concerns of plowing during extreme winter storms, road crew safety, and equipment.

Edwards remarked about temporarily closing the road when conditions are bad. If done, this creates many issues to be addressed, including emergency situations.

Roberts noted his concern over the unbudgeted cost, and there is still a garage roof to be completed. Pike conducted some research around the AWD package. He was concerned about the cost as well. Pike suggested a discussion at town meeting.

Edwards replied that the voters can choose to approve something like this at town meeting. The board does have the authority to borrow the money.

Pike said that we do have a 4WD vehicle and asked Mike F. if we could use it. Mike replied that switching things over would not be feasible. He continued to state that the cheapest thing to do is to keep doing what we have been, plow as much as we can and use the grader if needed.

Edwards wants to stress safety over everything. Recommends that this be considered during budget season, and for the board to consider road closures if conditions are dangerous.

  • Schedule and agenda for off-cycle special meeting late October (Edwards/ALL – 10 minutes)

Three weeks between next meeting, and there are many items the board needs to discuss.

Issues to discuss: Highway crew wages & insurance options, purchase of new equipment or refurbishment, interviews, budget.


  • Mini-MERP grant designation, $4K towards Town Garage Roof (Roberts-10 minutes)

Moved by Roberts to use money from MERP grant to help pay for the town garage roof. Seconded by Pike, motion carried 5-0.

  • RESCIND Branch Road Closure on Oct. 31 (5 minutes – Copeland/Edwards)

Request to close road for a Community Hall trunk or treat event. There was another truck or treat event being held at the fire department.

Roberts moved to rescind the request to close Branch Road Oct. 31st, Ashcraft seconded, motion carried 5-0.

  • Leete response – McMillian Road (5 minutes-All)

Leete rescinded his request, his driveway is done to his approval. Edwards noted that we don’t maintain personal driveways.

  • Highway Maintenance Worker Job Description (15 minutes -All)

Following VT League of Cities and Towns document, Edwards edited the job description based on recommendations from the board and town needs.

Mike F. would like to have added must maintain and service equipment they use. That is addressed under “Minor Repairs” of the job description. Christofferson asked to add “at supervisor discretion when crew request time off. Board made other suggestions to revise some wording of the job description.

Motion made by Christofferson to accept the job description as written, Aschraft seconded, motion carried 5-0.

  • Town garage roof deposit

Bill for 33% of roof received, Patty asked how to pay for it. Edwards reminded that the board is borrowing from the Scott Fund. Some money being used to pay is from a budgeted line item, about $8K. This is a segregated pool of money, not from the highway budget.

Materials should be delivered soon to begin work.

  • Road Commissioner Stark Mtn. Rd.


Ashcraft received notification that a culvert was in the road. Mike F. noted that a landowner has altered their driveway to make it appear the culvert is in the road. This has created a safety issue as a person nearly drove off the road. Pike and Ashcraft will conduct a site visit.

There have been many pieces of trash dumped at the recycling bins. Mike F. checked the cameras and found out who it is. Christofferson asked if our Constable could notify the individual. Rhonda will contact Kyle Farnsworth to have him visit the individual dumping.

Problem solving conversations occurred around setting up a gate at the entrance of the town garage road. Board may want to bring up the question again at town meeting.


Jack Rosetti property on Stage Rd. trying to get electricity from one abutting neighbor but GMP states he needs approval from other abutting property even though the power will be the easement, and it won’t be on the person’s property. The lines will be underground.

Edwards noted that the board cannot mediate in this situation, but there is a need for a permit for the work. The board can give permission to do work on the town right of way. The board cannot approve work done on other property owner’s easements.

Christofferson stated that the conditions for work on the town right of way is specific and needs to be followed.

Steven let the board know that on Oct. 24th the Conservation Commission meeting will review some of the town forms. Specifically, they will look at conditional use forms, from a conservation perspective. They are going to work with the Planning Commission on this. They will discuss town trails and class 4 roads.


Ashcraft mentioned there was a problem at Stark Mountain Road. Pike agreed to go and look. VHS tape (Get from recording).



  • October 9, 2024 Selectboard Special Meeting Minutes

7:37 motion made to accept meeting minutes by Christofferson, seconded by Pike, motion carried 4-0-1. Abstention was by Roberts.

  • October 1, 2024 Selectboard Regular Meeting Minutes

7:40 motion made to accept meeting minutes by Roberts, seconded by Ashcraft, motion carried 4-0-1. Abstention was by Christofferson.

  • September 25, 2024 Selectboard Special Meeting Minutes

7:42 motion made to accept meeting minutes with corrections by Pike, seconded by Ashcraft, Motion carried 4-0-1. Abstention was by Roberts.

7:50 motion made to accept meeting minutes with corrections by Edwards, seconded by Ashcraft, motion carried 4-0-1. Abstention was by Roberts.

7:52 motion made to accept meeting minutes with corrections by Christofferson, seconded by Pike, motion carried 4-0-1. Abstention was by Roberts.


Rescue Inc. 3 yr contract agreement for comprehensive service to the town with a 1% increase. It needs to be returned by Jan. 1, 2025. This is a flat fee $1137.43, price increases 1% each year. The cost is small due to it being in the Thomas Hill area and Deerfield Valley Rescue can’t serve that area as readily.

Certificate of liability from Suburban Propane.

Bazin Brothers trucking certificates of liability insurance.


Edwards read the aggregate amount for orders of $52,480.91.


8:11 pm motion was made by Roberts to adjourn, seconded by Ashcraft, motion carried 5-0.

Respectfully submitted by Stephanie Pike, Secretary Pro Tempore

Meeting recording: