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Representatives from the Selectboard will be meeting on 13 March with the Housing Coalition of Southeast Vermont, the Regional Planning Commission and the Vermont State Housing Finance Agency to discuss the housing crisis. They are looking for input from towns on barriers and opportunities to affordable housing. Do you have thoughts or ideas on affordable housing in Halifax? Please share with Patrick McAllister Phone: 802-689-0143, and we will bring them up at the meeting.

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Voices of Hope is a local volunteer group whose mission is to inspire hope and actively support people affected by substance use. They advocate to raise awareness about substance use and the importance of compassion in the Deerfield Valley. They work to fight the stigma around substance use disorder and to bring information, resources, harm reduction and recovery support to our valley.

For confidential help call (802) 490-5645, this is not an emergency number.

If you have an emergency situation call 211 or 911.

You can also email

Their website link is HERE.